Monday, February 23, 2009

Rotten People

"Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart."  Anne Frank


There are some truly wonderful people out there. I know this. I also know that there are more good people than bad but lately I have been wondering why there are so many rotten (murderers, molesters, and rapists aside - I am talking your everyday rotten people such as liars, manipulators, hypocrites and greedy thieves) people? How do they get away with their rottenness - why? ARGH! It is so frustrating and disheartening. Like Anne Frank, I want to believe that people are really good at heart but rotten people put this theory to the test. And these rotten people get away with being truly rotten. This is demoralizing to society at large. People see these bad people getting away with whatever bad thing is their specialty and they think 'why am I the dope that is honest, or works so hard, prizes honesty and doesn't play games with people?' Rotten people need to get their due. Faith is needed.


Don't get me wrong, I understand people make mistakes or get conflicted but these people usually try to change and/or make amends. I also know that there is seldom a person who is totally good - heck we all have our faults. There are people that are rotten and just don't care. That is what is truly unforgiveable about a rotton person, and it is what make them rotton. They always make sure they get theirs above all else, no what they have to do, how many lies they have to tell, and no matter who they step on. They may try to disguise their rottenness but they never do anything to change it. Underneath it all they are the same person they always have been and they like it. Oh, they also try to justify their behavior and do a pretty good job of it. They are good at deluding themselves and people close to them. They have learned to disguise their rottenness - in fact that is one of the talents a rotten person possesses, the innate ability to believe in themselves and make others believe in them too. They have little conscience and cultivate relationships with people that are similar to them or who may be too simple or easy to dupe (not stupid just too trusting). It is scary. I never used to believe people like this existed - I was naive and lived a sheltered life. Now I see otherwise. Rotten people do exist no matter what people may try to tell you, or laugh off that some people are just rotten. I have a theory that there are borderline psychopaths and sociopaths running around in society - they don't kill but they are still rotten. These are the people like Madoff and such - the everyday psychopath.


Not to knock Anne Frank but perhaps she should have put a qualifier on her belief - "Despite everything, I believe that most people are really good at heart." or perhaps "In spite of everything, I believe that people are really good at heart." It is wonderful to believe this but just be wary. It is wonderful to have an open heart but it just shows how good of a heart that one lovely, trusting person has. Please learn to protect yourselves people.



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