Saturday, February 28, 2009

A couple of interesting articles for today...

Pretty cool to see how far the web has come. I didn't even know some of the sites were around that long. Jeez, I didn't even get on the interenet until the middle of 1999.



Cable fees are getting outrageous. Here is an interesting article about how to combat that by just cutting out cable altogether. My husband and I are toying with the idea. We don't get a chance to watch much TV.


Friday, February 27, 2009

Talking about Gross Couple Habits to Avoid, Starting Now

  Hahaha, This article is ridiculous. The line "Til death do us fart." is hilarious though. I just think they are a little unreal in their expectations, although I find the popping the zits thing extremely gross (that I cannot do) and I definitely shut the door to the bathroom. As for burps and farts - well a person has to either burp or fart or explode and I prefer farts.  hehehe No really, burping reminds me of puking and then makes me want to puke.


Talking about Gross Couple Habits to Avoid, Starting Now
What's okay for couples to do in front of each other, and which behaviors should be outlawed? Read on to help determine the nasty, too-much-information activities you've been sharing that should really be solo pursuits.

Gotta' love the knot/nest/bump and that whole franchise

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Interesting Story

Filmmaker to tell extraordinary "human story" of former slave remembered in historical marker at Genesee County Courthouse



This is a cool story - interesting bit of local color (I live near Flint and go to school there) I never knew about. I hope a full length feature is made. I wish historians knew more of the particulars concerning this story.

I wish I worked for this guy...

Miami banker lavishes $60M on his employees



That guy, Leonard Abess Jr,  is amazing. All bankers should be like him.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Do you know what he did?

 This kid is so damn cute! I love his dimple. Love this...


Rotten People

"Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart."  Anne Frank


There are some truly wonderful people out there. I know this. I also know that there are more good people than bad but lately I have been wondering why there are so many rotten (murderers, molesters, and rapists aside - I am talking your everyday rotten people such as liars, manipulators, hypocrites and greedy thieves) people? How do they get away with their rottenness - why? ARGH! It is so frustrating and disheartening. Like Anne Frank, I want to believe that people are really good at heart but rotten people put this theory to the test. And these rotten people get away with being truly rotten. This is demoralizing to society at large. People see these bad people getting away with whatever bad thing is their specialty and they think 'why am I the dope that is honest, or works so hard, prizes honesty and doesn't play games with people?' Rotten people need to get their due. Faith is needed.


Don't get me wrong, I understand people make mistakes or get conflicted but these people usually try to change and/or make amends. I also know that there is seldom a person who is totally good - heck we all have our faults. There are people that are rotten and just don't care. That is what is truly unforgiveable about a rotton person, and it is what make them rotton. They always make sure they get theirs above all else, no what they have to do, how many lies they have to tell, and no matter who they step on. They may try to disguise their rottenness but they never do anything to change it. Underneath it all they are the same person they always have been and they like it. Oh, they also try to justify their behavior and do a pretty good job of it. They are good at deluding themselves and people close to them. They have learned to disguise their rottenness - in fact that is one of the talents a rotten person possesses, the innate ability to believe in themselves and make others believe in them too. They have little conscience and cultivate relationships with people that are similar to them or who may be too simple or easy to dupe (not stupid just too trusting). It is scary. I never used to believe people like this existed - I was naive and lived a sheltered life. Now I see otherwise. Rotten people do exist no matter what people may try to tell you, or laugh off that some people are just rotten. I have a theory that there are borderline psychopaths and sociopaths running around in society - they don't kill but they are still rotten. These are the people like Madoff and such - the everyday psychopath.


Not to knock Anne Frank but perhaps she should have put a qualifier on her belief - "Despite everything, I believe that most people are really good at heart." or perhaps "In spite of everything, I believe that people are really good at heart." It is wonderful to believe this but just be wary. It is wonderful to have an open heart but it just shows how good of a heart that one lovely, trusting person has. Please learn to protect yourselves people.



Saturday, February 21, 2009

My Excitement : All About Work

Wow. I am so excited! I got a call a couple of nights ago about a job interview for a really excellent job I applied for back in May. I am surprised they called me – I had given up hope and was about to re-apply even though I didn’t think they would be hiring any time soon. I am not going to say what it is because I don’t want to jinx it but if I get this job I will be super happy. It will kind of be in the field of psychology (more like social work but that is pretty close) and is a great opportunity. The only down side is that I probably won’t be able to go to school full time.

Even if I don’t get this job things are looking up at my McDonald’s job. I got a raise and promotion to crew trainer (I get to help train people). All of us at the restaurant got nice sweaters (with the golden arches embroidered on it of course and dorky me was pretty excited about it) for winning some kind of contest. I got a great compliment from my manager about my order taking - it is nice to know you are appreciated.

As much as I would like another job (more money is the key factor in this), there are things I really like about working at McDonalds. It works for a full-time student – the schedule is flexible and only as demanding as you want it to be. It is usually fast paced and I get to keep moving. I work with some awesome, hardworking people (young and old) and for the most part I really like waiting on people (it is a fun, safe and not so sad way of helping people as opposed to being a paramedic, nurse or doctor), especially when they are super nice. I have gotten many compliments on my eyes, my smile, my voice, and my service. One lady was just blown away by how nice I was to her – she told me repeatedly “You seem like a really nice person – warm. You have lovely, warm eyes. Yes, you really are a nice person.” Haha I was going to be a smart aleck and tell her “It is called ACTING!” but I refrained. All teasing aside, it is lovely people like that lady that make my day.

A downside to working at McDonalds is the way some people treat you or try to insult you because you work in fast food - like you are dumb or worthless for working at such a place. Yeah, it is not brain surgery but how would these snobs get their cheap, ass expanding, fast food if everyone was as stuck up as them? No one could get a .99 cent burger or a cup of coffee for less than $4 if we were all as snobbish.

A couple of months ago someone tried to insult me, in a roundabout way, for working at McDonalds – I assumed this person would try to do this at some point or another because they are rotten like that. I felt like telling this person “I’m Lovin’ It!” hahaha, but I didn’t think this person would get it. I think that this person identifies too strongly with their work/job (or maybe it is how much money a person makes? Yes it could be all about money for this person) and thinks it defines them as a person. People like that do not realize that where somebody works (their job title or how much money they make) is only a small part of who that person is. I guess it is all about prestige, money and ego for some people. It is not about that for me and never has been. Sure work is just a way to get money but also I like to be able to have fun at work, and feel I am helping people in some way. People need to eat, right? I guess what I am trying to say is that some people shouldn’t take things so seriously (is that the right word - maybe people shouldn’t be so ‘pompous’ all the time.) You can lose a job in a heartbeat (especially in this economy) and then what do you have to fall back on? You have only yourself (and of course your friends and family). I guess that is a blog for another day.

Recently a customer insulted a co-worker to her face, said she was just a stupid McDonald’s employee (or something along those lines – little do some people appreciate the fact that if they have a job with benefits and pays more than the minimum, they're just plain lucky - we have people with degrees working at McD’s). This co-worker let our manager deal with this mean person but she summed it up the situation nicely. Besides stating the fact that she is a mother and as a mother her kids come first she said “It is just a job, most everybody has to work. They may insult me for working at McDonalds but that just shows what kind of person they are- an asshole. They might be here tomorrow looking for a job or worse -then how are they gonna’ feel.” As my Dad used to tell me – Somebody has to be the ditch digger.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Disheartened - need inspiration to come out of hibernation...

Yet again I find myself needing inspiration. Argh! Winter semesters are so challenging for me. All I’ve wanted to do is hibernate. I have been feeling awful the last few months (physically and emotionally – last semester really took a lot out of me and Christmas break was not nearly long enough) so I haven’t really been blogging. No inspiration, no creativity - or what little bit of inspiration and creativity I have is so scattered; I feel like I am ADD. I don’t want to talk to people, go anywhere or do much of anything but read and watch TV. It is so frustrating. I hate feeling like this.


I am starting to come out of hibernation a little this past week – maybe because the weather was a little better. I feel more like writing but I am still scattered. I feel a little spark of creativity but there is so much I want to do and so much I have to do that I get overwhelmed. I don’t feel up to writing academically right now. I just figure though, that if I start writing some things will come into focus. Keeping a blog seemed to help a bit last winter and also in the fall so I am trying to just write, write, write to get my creative juices flowing. It is like it snowballs once I just start writing. I only hope it works this time around. I hate to waste time on my blog right now because I have 3 papers to write (among other things) and the pressure is on.


Why can’t just completing something be inspiration enough? Why can’t graduating? I don’t know. Well I think part of it is that my professors/classes are not very inspiring this time around. The classes could be good if only the professors were a little more ‘alive’ or something. I am not bored with school or the subject matter but in 2 of my classes (Community Psychology and Sociology of Race and Ethnicity) the profs are slow and boring. Not stimulating in the least. Heck I could just stay home and read the text. I also took an English class that is not proving very interesting (I miss literary analysis). It is all writing but it is not very structured and the prof (he is nice enough and flexible) likes to focus on pop culture in regards to each student’s major. I like pop culture but I find it difficult (too broad and complex) to write about. I just want to concentrate on conventional academics right now! My last class is an Algebra class (hopefully my last math class) and this is not my fave subject although at least this prof is livelier than any of the others.


Bottom line is I need inspiration and as much as I hate to say it I am not getting it from school at present. I just want to stay home and concentrate on other things like my husband, my family, my job, my health, and all my little liberal arts interests. But I can’t give up – have to keep on keeping on with school. Oh, yeah another thing that discourages me is the economy. I keep thinking, “Am I going to school for nothing? Is there going to be a decent job around when I graduate?” Eventually I would like something better than a McDonalds (or food service job, as much as I like it) job. I am working with a guy who just graduated – he has a bachelor’s degree and he is working at McD’s! That is sad. And it discourages me, bigtime. This guy that I work with still has hope though and he has gone on some interviews for some good jobs. A lot of people tell me not to give up home, that there will be something. My husband tells me he feels I am on the right path in school and I should stay on it. I am not tempted to quit but just disheartened. I hope everybody is right. I hope an education pays off even in a crappy economy (or the economy gets better). Plus the baby boomers have to retire sometimes, right?



Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Booty Shakin' Silliness


I usually don't pay much attention to commercials but this one made me  nearly spit my dinner across the room it is so funny. Love it!

I need to follow this advice...

  • "Great things are done by a series of small things brought together."
    Vincent Van Gogh
Yes! This is what I need to learn this semester! I always want to get stuff done in one big lump instead of breaking things down into more manageable jobs. I need to start breaking tasks down - I need to force myself. I have been so overwhelmed lately that this may be the only thing that helps. I just need to force myself to do it.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Secret to a happy marriage...

I love this advice from Kevin Bacon about having a long, happy marriage...


"You've got to keep the fights clean and the sex dirty."