Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Strong wind blows dog away....

Gone with the wind: Chihuahua blown away

Report: Six-pound puppy found a mile away from where gust sent her flying

This news story made me laugh. I hope I am not heartless for thinking it is funny.   Can't you just picture the dog flying through the air? Was it raining cats and dogs?  Wah Waah.  I am sure the people and the poor dog were scared when it happened. I am glad it ends happily.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

All about sex....

I love this article about sex. I might have to buy the book. I like what the author has to say about the "earthy reality of sex"....


The joys (and hilarious fumbles) of sex

Essays from new book offer a peek beneath the sheets


More about that book.....

My not-so-kinky sex life

Essays from new book offer a peek beneath the sheets


SlideShow about sex stats. Interesting....I didn't know that people had so many sexual partners!! and that people lost their virginity at such a young age.


10 surprising sex statistics

Are you within the sexual mean — or off the charts?




Wow, is it all about pushing boundaries?? Sometimes that can be fun...


‘I did what I thought I'd never do’

7 women reveal how they dared to step outside their sexual boundaries



Interesting article about some early sex myths/thinking. Thank God for sex researchers Kinsey, Masters and Johnson and the whole sexual revolution!!

Vaginas with teeth — and other sexual myths

A romp through history reveals a host of absurd beliefs once held as truth


Talking about Concentration Is the Key - MSN Encarta

Great article about concentration, which I sorely need to work on. I have noticed that over the last 10 years my concentratio, focus, or attention span has really gone down hill. I blame the computer (gaming and spending time on the internet), love and sex.  Haha  No, really I am going ot work on building my concentration this summer, as well as some other study skills.


Talking about Concentration Is the Key - MSN Encarta
can't concentrate when you're groggy, so don't sleep too much.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Studying community psych....

I have my community psych exam on Tuesday. I like this quote from my text:


"Our personal values about relationships, accountability, social change priorities, and our personal politcal world view all shape our priorities and agenda for community work." Bond, 1989 as quoted in Community Psychology: Linking Individuals and Communities (Dalton, Elias, Wandersam, 2006)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

"only doing it for the money."

OMG, OMG, This is hilarious. OK, read this article. It had me and my husband laughing our asses off.

and here is the source

Hahahaha - you'd think the couple would have had the neighbor tested BEFORE they let him do the deed (and paid him). And the the kicker is .....  the neighbor finds out that his own kids are not his biologically. OMG!!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I just love this quote....

"The writer, when he is also an artist, is someone who admits what others don't dare reveal."

Elia Kazan



Friday, April 17, 2009


Why Do Some People Become Psychopaths?



Wow, see my ideas aren't so crazy after all. Here is an article about psychopaths and how they are not all criminals - that there are psychopaths that can function in society without committinig a 'crime' (as defined by laws, rules and norms). I have held that belief for many, many years now. I have run across a few psycho's in my time and I think there's even more psychopaths around than even researchers realize yet. I would like to see some research done specifically on women psychopaths.

Monday, April 13, 2009

WOW! Liars never cease to amaze me...

Some people lie about anything and everything. It is really childish -definitely shows a lack of maturity and conscience. That's scary! I often wonder how people that get by in life by lying live with themselves but then they don't even think about their actions, do they? Except to wonder why people call them psycho, or unreasonable - but of course it is all everybody elses fault and lack of understanding. Aw. It makes life easier to go around without any personal ethics or integrity, doesn't it?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

This guy sucks....

BIGTIME. I am posting an article about a guy who owes half a million dollars in child supprt on 14 kids. It is guys like him that give fathers a bad name. What an ass. He is full of excuses and BS. Why do people mess around and have kids they don't want? Or can't take care of? The woman are almost as bad - how you gonna' mess around with an idiot like this. C'mon, there had to be some indication this guy is bad news. At least use some birth control. I am glad they put his pic in with the article too - maybe women will recognize him next time.


Thomas Frazier, father of 14 children, jailed for owing more than half-million in child support


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Love this website - good for when you need a laugh...

Check out this website - http://www.fmylife.com/


It is just people posting their embarrassing or messed up moments on the web. Funny stuff for the most part although some of them are unbelievable. Good for when you need a quick laugh or pick me up.


This one (among many) cracked me up...

Amazing story - "Dog eats baby goats, survives on remote island"


"A pet Australian cattle dog swam to shore after going overboard"


Wow, what a tough dog! The most interesting part for me was the personality change from pet to wild dog and back again. It is too bad the dog can't tell it's story.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Just a few more weeks....

Just a few more weeks until this very sucky winter semester is over. I can't wait. Then I will get to write what I want to write for a change! wahoo!! I can't even write what I want in this blog because I have so much crap to do, so I will have to blog later. 


My energy has been so low this semester that I am not able to keep up with everything and I miss my blogging. It helps me with my writing all the way around and I haven't even been able to get to it. I have been so frustrated with my school work and academic writing this semester. And my attention span and memory is not there either. The causes - a tough, long cold winter in Michigan, my stinkin' Chronic Fatigue acting up (possibly with some Seasonal Affective Disorder), that damn depression chasing me again, and not being able to keep a BLOG like I would like to. I will have to try harder this spring and summer and definitely nest semester.  


Just a few more weeks, and a few more difficult tasks and tests and I will be free.  Also, my husband and I are taking a trip the first week in May so I wil be off work for a few days and I will be able to rest up pool side. I so need a break!




I don't feel sorry for these people...

Somehow I don't feel sorry for these people. They are not on the edge of disaster like many, they have options. GRRR, sometimes articles like this irritate me - it's an article about how the recession affects even well off and rich people. OK, yeah but it doesn't hit them as hard as a middle class or poor person.


City hit hard by the recession...

This is a great article about Elkhart, Indiana - a city hit hard by the recession. They lost a lot of their RV factories which left many, many people jobless.