Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Lost a friend...

Wally Kaboom, Rest in Peace 12-15-09 He was a great dog, gentle and loving. He will be missed tremendously.

We had to put our dog Wally to sleep. He was 12 or 13 years old and his health was failing. His hips had been really bothering him and then he started having seizures. We had taken the day previously (he started having seizures that morning) and the vet drew blood and sent him home with us and some meds to await the results of the blood tests. He had 3 seizures the next morning so we rushed him to the vet.

The vet told us Wally's sugar was really high and he was diagnosed as a diabetic. We left Wally at the vet for treatment to bring down his sugar and figure out the right dosage of insulin for him. We thought he could be treated but later found out the medication for him would be $200 a month. At first the vet said it would be less money and he could do well with treatment but you never know and the seizures may be a symptom of the diabeties or it may be something else. We also found out Wally had a heart murmur. ARGH! My poor husband and I struggled, wrestled, all day trying to decide if we should go ahead and try to treat Wally or given his age and health if we should just put him to sleep. It was anguishing to make that decision (the worst I have ever had to make) but we finally decided to have him put to sleep. We went to the vets in the afternoon and the vet told us we were making the right decision, that he thought Wally was doing pretty poorly.

The vet brought Wally into the room with us. Wally was lethargic but started barking because he wanted to go home. It was heart wrenching! He didn't sound like himself and he could not get up on his back legs. We were waiting for my stepson to get to the vets office from his mom's house. My stepson wanted to say good-bye too. So we waited with Wally. I couldn't say good-bye. I wanted Wally to think everything was going to be OK but I think he knew. I think he knew for a while. It is so sad... We were there with him when they gave him the injection. It was quick and his spirit left quicky. I can't believe how fast he was gone. I hope he is in peace now and I hope he knows how much we love and miss him.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Today I played for UM-Flint commencements. I joined the wind symphony and this is one of the things we have to do. It was kind of stressful - it is finals week, yuck! I kind of enjoyed it though - just thinking that I will be one of the graduates in a few months. Silly me - I was getting emotional. I always have to pinch myself because I can't believe I am actually going to school at UM-Flint and that I am on my way to getting my Bachelors. Then I was thinking about the ups and downs of going to school and how much I want to accomplish still. I really need to step up my game. 

I liked what the key note speakers had to say. The first speaker, graduated from UM-Flint in 1973 and has continued to be a part of the University and the Flint community even though he does not live in the area. He talked about optimism and giving back to the community. The second speaker, a graduating student also talked about the same ideals. I have much to learn from these people. I just wonder where they get the energy. 

Monday, December 7, 2009

My Birthday

Today is my birthday. I am old! No, really. Mentally I don't feel old but my body is starting to feel the age. ARGH! It sucks. Well as usual I have been feeling like crap. Tried all the time, and ache-y too - more so than usual. This does have an effect on how much mental energy I can spend on extra stuff so I have not been writing like I want to. I miss keeping a blog. I will get back to it one of these days. 


Basically it is the same ole same ole. School, school, school, a little bit of work and always fighting sickness and fatigue. Now the holidays are coming so there is that stress on top of everything else. I wish I could convince my family to just take off for the holidays - forget the gifts (except for the little ones) and just go someplace nice and warm for the season. A cruise would be nice.  Well that is where I am at right now.