Thursday, May 28, 2009

Talking about The Truth About Lying

 Here'a an article for a certain someone I know... Sure everyone lies or has lied but it can be avoided. There are better ways to handle situations than to lie. I wonder the affect a lying parent has on their children?? What is that teaching?


The Truth About Lying
From big whoppers to little white lies, almost everyone fibs on occasion. Here, experts reveal why.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My husband...

I have to give props to my husband today. He actually just celebrated his birthday not too long ago - maybe I should have written a blog honoring him then. Well this blog is just a little piece to honor the impact he has made on my life. I really have a wonderful husband - one of the very best. I have never had anyone as supportive of me as he has been and always is and I truly appreciate it even though I may not show it. I feel bad at times - I am supportive of him too but it is a little rough for us because this past year. I have been sick, depressed (things have been getting to me - the way some people act or treat others, the crappy economy, my health issues - ARGH!), and I also only have been working part time (in school full time) and not contributing barely at all to the family finances. This frustrates me. At times I have even been a major bitch!  It has been an emotional rollercoaster this year. Yeah, like I said, I feel bad but he never makes me feel that way and actually tries to make me feel better when I have a low moment. We can always talk things out, which is great. I hope I make him feel better in his low moments too. A lot of women complain about their husbands or men in general and I am lucky enough to not have to deal with any of that drama. I have someone who I can trust, who trusts me; someone I can rely on; someone with whom I can talk things out with; someone who is thoughtful and considerate (well he is not perfect - I did plant my ass in the toilet bowl the other night ) .... I just can't describe how fortunate I am that I have the husband that I do. I got lucky when I found my husband. 


Well actually I didn't find him, a mutual friend set us up. We both were working at Meijer (a retail and grocery store) but we really didn't know each other. I was hanging out with this one girl - Janelle, and she kind of brought us together. She got a group of us together to hang out after work at a nearby bar. That is when I really 'met' my husband. I always just knew him as "the annoying guy that works in the shoe department that talks way too much when I am trying to nap in the break room." Hahaha - sorry hubby, you know I love you (remember that first year I brought you beer and white chocolate for your birthday?). I kind of knew he was interested in me that first night we went out. I wasn't really interested in him  - only as a friend and someone to hang with. I was a little scared of relationships at that time, I just wanted to have fun, fun, fun. We did have a lot of fun but again, didn't think I wanted a relationship at that time. Specially with someone who was divorced and who had a young child. Like I said, all I wanted was some fun and I think that is all he wanted too - I don't think he was interested in a relationship at the time either (haha, probably just sex, which he picked the wrong girl for that kind of relationship!!). So we went out and had a great time. He took me slumming in the nearby hickville town he volunteered in as a paramedic, we hung out with his uber nerdy friend Travis, as well as a few other characters. We just had fun, playing pool, playing board games all night, getting drunk, dancing at the bar, and all around acting silly. I didn't really know where the relationship was heading, was a little scared it was heading in a direction I wasn't prepared for, but I went with it. At the risk of souding like a dork ... somewhere along the way he snagged my heart.  Our relationship developed pretty fast once I got over being scared of it and where I suspected ours was headed (haha against my better judgment, or so I thought at the time). The rest is history. Thank God I didn't scare myself away (or let other stuff scare me away)- my husband is the best thing that ever happened to me.  This June we will have been together for 10 years - married for 2. Thank God I am blessed and I hope my hubby feels the same way.





Monday, May 18, 2009

Talking about Death to the Classics! - MSN Encarta



Interesting article about reading literature and the classics in school. On one hand I think as long as kids and people are reading (anything they are into, not necessarily classics) they are learning something and it may open doors to other forms of literature, perhaps the classics. Someone who reads a great deal usually has better spelling, vocabulary, grammar, and overall writing skills. Strong writing skills is an asset for anybody.


On the other hand, I believe that some of the classics should be required and taught in school, or at least introduced. There is not enough of this happening in school - literature has taken a back seat to science, math and technology. All the subjects are important and have a place even though it would seem that literature is not relevent to the world. It is relevent in so many ways but a lot of people do not see the importance of it. That is sad. Reading, and reading good works (the classics as well as books from other points of view/from different cultures and cultural standpoints) makes a person think -introduces the reader to other ways of thinking, helps a person learn to see different sides of a story. The reader is introduced to history and culture, which provides a base for a broad range of subjects/topics and interests. Sure some of the texts are difficult but isn't life difficult - sometimes the most difficult things are the most rewarding. By making things so easy for kids we are making them lazy...their brains are lazy. They are lacking critical or analytical skills that reading literature and even some difficult works/texts helps to build. Then you think about the morals, the lessons to be gained from the old classics, the old stories - that is being lost too.


Even when I was in high school, back in the 80's, the classics were not taught and I did not have any required reading. I feel like I missed out, like I got gypped. To me, a part of my foundational education is/was missing. I tried to make up for it on my own but already so much time has been wasted, although I have learned a lot from just historical romance novels . Classics should be taught through out a kids school career, starting from elememtary. Also like it is stated in the article, the list of classics should not be set in stone, it should be a "elastic, flexible, argument-worthy thing" and include some new texts and texts from other cultures.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Look alikes?


So I was noticing that these 2 guys look alike - that is Josef Fritzl on the left and Drew Peterson on the right. Josef is the guy from Austria who held his daughter (and her children - his children/grandchildren) captive in his basement and raped her repeatedly. Drew ... well who hasn't heard about this guy. Scary coincidence, huh?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

So Sad

Today I had to put my parakeet, Sprite to sleep. The poor little thing had a prolapsed rectum (cloaca is the proper term, I believe). I am not sure what happened but the vet said it may be that the bird had cancer. He advised that the best thing was to put Sprite to sleep which I had kind of already figured - its gotta' be bad when your insides are hanging out. Poor birdie. I had another parakeet, BB that died on Friday. I am not too sure what was wrong with that birdie but when I came home Thursday evening (I had been out of town for a few days) the bird was sick and I knew she was not going to get better. I think she might have been egg bound. Poor birdie. Rest in peace little birdies.


Monday, May 11, 2009

Talking about 5 Sleep Myths Busted - MSN Health & Fitness - Health Topics

Great article about sleep myths. I so hate the way many people think it is acceptable to only get 5 hours of sleep a night - they get by on that and expect the rest of the world to do the same but it is not healthy, not one bit. And the people that do this regularly don't realize how messed up they are. Wake up people! Oh...I mean get more sleep people!   



Saturday, May 2, 2009

For good behavior


OK, a star for good behavior but then   2 raised eyebrows for recent bad behavior or lies.  


Oh no! Another raised eyebrow for more bad behavior  You sure do know how to make the most out of a situation. Exploitation.... Oh and I almost forgot, another  for trying to teach a kid to lie or hide stuff. Not good.