Tuesday, October 28, 2008

This Sucks!!

I went to the doctor yesterday. He said it looks like I am 'developing pneumonia' whatever that means. I think I have pneumonia, actually. So he gave me an antibiotic. I do feel a little better today - I am breathing easier and my fever has gone down so that is good. I am just exhausted.

What sucks about it is my stepson is having surgery today (on his collar bone) and I wanted to be there but I don't think I should be around him right now - being as sick as I am. I don't think he will miss me though - as long as his Mom and Dad are there, that is all that really matters. I at least wanted to pop in for a minute and be there for my husband. My Mom was freaking out on me saying that I shouldn't go to the hospital - I will pick up another virus or something (get sicker). She says I should just stay home and take it easy. I don't know.

I guess all I know is that I am exhausted and ache-y and I have a ton of studying to do. I have 3 tests tomorrow (2 of them are tests I have to make-up from Monday) and a rough draft (a play analysis project) due tomorrow. So far all my professors have been understanding but I am not sure I should miss anymore school. I am hoping that my prof will give me a little extra time to work on my rough draft - I had planned to do it this week-end but I was so sick I couldn't concentrate on it.

All I really want to do is sleep.

UPDATE - My stepson had to be at the hospital for his surgery at 11:30. As of 4pm he still has not gone into surgery! Craziness. It is scary enough having to have surgery - then to make you wait for hours in pre-op really sucks. I have not gone up to the hospital yet because I don't want to spread my sickness around but I am about to leave now (It is 4:30 at this posting) I am freakin' starving. I ate quite a good meal earlier - my illness is not effecting my appetite that is for sure.


On the broader scale of things, more 'suckage':

Here is and article about the worst places to find employment. Number 3 is Flint, Michigan - I live outside of Flint. Yeah, it is rough around here. The list actually shows Flint as having negative job growth (-5.9 percent). WOW! Major suckage.

Look at the list - Michigan has 7 places on the list - a list of 25. That really sucks. Can we get a bailout?

25 Worst Markets to Find a Job


I was hoping that once I felt better I would start looking for a new job. I don't really like McDonalds, the floors make my back hurt something awful. At the very least I was hoping to find a job as a server - I can make better money doing that and I do like being a server the best out of any job I have had. I am just not sure a job is going to be there though, or if I get a job as a server the tips might not be there. If there are no jobs around here, how can people go out to eat? How can they afford it? I don't know - this economy is bringing me down, bigtime. I don't know though - restaurants always seem pretty busy, even around here. People don't seem to cook anymore (including me, haha),  I just wonder how the tips are.

Here is the flipside of the article.

25 Best Markets to Find a Job


Looks like I need to head west or southwest.


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