This past week-end was a pretty sucky one. I have been so aggravated. The only highlight of my week-end was my husband got me flowers and a teddy bear for Sweetest Day. I feel bad because I couldn't spend any time with him because I am bogged down with homework. That is what sucks about going to school - you have to give up time with loved ones and concentrate on BS you could care less about.
That is why I would like to kick myself for not going to college as soon as I was done with high school, I seemed to have less distractions then. Oh, OK most of the time I enjoy school, it is the damn homework that gets me.
Or having to write papers that don't seem to have a point.
I have to write a paper on the play 'Fences' by August Wilson. It is not a bad play but we have to write the play on the formal aspects of the play - like why the writer chose the set or the props he did without writing about culture, history, or psychology. This is soooo difficult, specially for this play - it is interwoven with those concepts. In fact, if not for culture, history and the psychological defects of the main character there would not be a conflict in the play. Everyting in the play has something to do with subjects that cannot be touched upon in a formalist argument. This frustrates me!! I think the instructor should have chosen a different play for this exercise. It will be interesting to see how the grades come out for this assignment.
Speaking of grades for this class (Literary Analysis), I received a B on my poetry analysis. I am somewhat happy with that grade but the prof is allowing rewrites so I will rewrite it. After these papers we will start to write more about history and culture in literature. That will be a nice change - I cannot wait to get away from this nasty Formalism.
I need some inspiration. I hope venting about this in my blog will jump start some ideas (and my writing) flowing. I read that damn play twice already. ARGH!
My Sweetest Day bouquet. Isn't it pretty? Isn't my husband sweet? I like to take pics of any bouquets I get so then I have the memory forever, plus I love photographing flowers.
For any friends over here that are also on Myspace - check out my page over there. I did it up for Halloween a couple of nights ago (looking for inspiration somehow or trying to get creativity flowing) and it is freaky (hehe) - I put on some crazy Halloween-y songs too. I might keep the page dark and go goth.
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