In mama-daughter disputes, politics is personal
" Faced with a daughter whose political views are opposite her own, a mom may feel like her kid is rejecting everything she worked so hard to teach, says Kaslow, the Emory University psychologist.
“Some moms might think, ‘Where did I fail? Where did I go wrong? How did I screw this up?” she says, adding that the closeness of the mother-daughter bond can make that relationship potentially explosive, especially compared to other relationships in the family.
And especially in a heated election like this one, politics can become a symbol of identity for some people, Kaslow says. An insult to a preferred candidate can feel like a personal attack. "
LOL!! This article reminds me of my Mom. She is a very strong conservative (she is a dedicated viewer of the Republican Propaganda Network, Fox News) while I am a liberal. I find that I the older I get, the more liberal I become, much to my Mom's dismay. We have had some heated discussions. Now I just keep my mouth shut and try to change the subject when my Mom tries to convert me or espouse the virtues of John McCain and Sarah Pailin. Well, I try to keep my mout shut at least. 
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