I'm am sitting outside on campus at UM-Flint right now waiting for my husband to get out of work. I had an appointment and it makes no sense to go home when my husband's work is only a few miles from campus. I love being on campus! I know I have probably written that already. The weather is nice today: partly sunny, with a light breeze; and the Flint River is not stinky today well at least not where I am sitting.
I occasionally get a wiff of flowers. This dang metal bench seat is mighty uncomfortable though. I should have went up to the 3rd floor of the library. It is nice to be outside - feeling the breeze, listening to the birds (gulls mostly), every now and again hearing chants of chearleaders practicing, and screams and yells of kids playing across the river at the day care. Nice day.
I came up to the campus yesterday and spoke with my professor from the last psych class I took. I had asked him to critique the psych article review I wrote. I turned it in late not knowing if I would get credit for it. I did get credit and ended up doing well in the class but I did not receive my critique. I turned it in late because I am a dork, haha. Well I was pressed for time and stressed at the time it was due (working 2 jobs and all that) so I thought I would just blow it off but then I decided I should do it because I need the practice at that type of writing. Then I got all stressed out about it because it is difficult writing. You are basically regurgitating a research article and adding a little of your analysis. So I did it and my prof said it was one of the better papers in the class simply because a lot of students don't even touch on all the points they are supposed to. I touched on everything I should have. He also said the writing and flow was good, it would have been an A paper if I would have got it in on time. Silly me! I let my own lack of faith in myself, in my writing cheat me out of an A paper. I just have to remember this next time I start getting stressed out over writing a paper. I can do it, and do it well.
I am on campus today to talk with my counselor. I started seeing a counselor in the winter for my depression. I am so happy I am going. It is a blessing. I feel much better now and I have been working on some heavy stuff. Today though I talked with her about graduate school and I got some valuable info about applying and the GRE. I have lots of decisions in front of me, like do I want to apply this year; where to apply; do I want to just go for my Master's first or go full on for my Doctorate right after undergrad school, and do I want a PsyD or PhD???? Many questions, and decisions, decisions, decisions. So my counseling appointment started stressing me out a little. That's funny. I'm cool though, relaxing on campus and writing have helped me tremendously.
I am putting off the decisions for another day.
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