So one day my stepson says, "I really want an i-touch." I was like 'WTF is that? Something for pedophiles?' Welll I didn't ask exactly in those terms but that is what I was thinking. Well he was talking about the iPod Touch. Haha. I had not even heard of it before. I had heard of the iPhone, the iPad but not the iPod Touch. I investigated a little bit (and argued with myself - tried to talk me out of it) and decided I needed one, of course
. My reasoning is that I needed one for the internet (it has wireless and with all the free wyfi around...) and it would help me stay in touch when I was out and about and I wouldn't need to upgrade my phone (I am not a phone person at all), etc. Plus I had been wanting a new iPod because I have a lot of music I can't put on my old one. I have a lot of pop music and ballads on my original one but I was thinking about getting a bigger iPod for jazz, blues, and classical music (all longer pieces of music usually) and the iPod Touch price was comparable to a regular iPod considering all the functions it offers.
I am really happy with my purchase. I've had one for few weeks now and I've been loading it up with my music and it is not even half full - I never realized just how far 32 MB of memory goes! I have been getting re-aquainted with some of my favorite jazz and blues music and it is making me super happy. Plus I have some audio books on it as well as iBooks and Kindle reader which is really cool. A lot of my favorite classic books were free or cost next to nothing. I have most of Jane Austin's works, the complete Anne of Green Gables series, some Dickens and Tolstoy (to name a few) all on my iPod! - Not to mention some psychology books. I am excited I can carry this many books with me and not break my back, hee hee. I really needed this when I was a youngster. I will never be bored again.
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