Monday, July 19, 2010

First Impressions...

Since I am on a roll today, and I am feeling full of piss and vinegar I am going to keep on writing. It is all part of a bigger story I am trying to tell. It is all to a purpose if anyone cares.


Hypothetical Question


What would you think about someone who cheated on their spouse with a co-worker of both theirs and their spouse? Not only cheated once but more than likely twice, with two different people. There were rumors (and of course any person with a modicum of sense would question dirty rumors but also realize that where there is smoke there is fire) of more but one co-worker actually confessed to the cheated on spouse after the offender abandoned the marriage. 


What would you think of someone who left their spouse for another - the probable second affair? I know, I know, you would have to know the parties involved, the particulars of the matter but if you knew the cheated on person you would know that this person did not deserve to be treated so poorly (nobody deserves to be treated like that really) no matter what BS the offender tried to make up to cover their ass. And it realy isn't the fact the offender cheated that is the main issue at all, after all that is past and both parties are obviously better off now but it is the way the offender treated the injured party after the fact that IS the issue, all the while saying they have been good to the offended. Plus the fact that the offender doesn't want anyone to judge them on their bad behavior. Major personality flaw there! People will form an opinion of you based on what they have heard, seen, and experienced. I just wanted to get that out there in case anyone wonders or questions how impressions are formed.


So what kind of first impression would that leave you of the cheater? Not a very good one, probably not a person to be trusted.


 I'm just sayin' .....

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