Yay! I am so happy. I have to do an internship for my Bachelor of Science in Psychology degree. I have it all lined up already for the fall. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be and it seems like it is going to be really interesting. I will be working in a clinic. The doctor I will be working with has received high marks and praise from students that have worked with him in the past and hopefully I will learn much. I am excited! 
I took a class this spring. I usually don't take classes in spring and summer but I thought it might be my only opportunity to take this social psychology class. It was all online. I am not fond of online classes because it just seems like you don't get as much out of it as in the classroom. It turned out all right though - I did learn a lot and I found that I love social psych. I ended up with an A- in the class even though I was trying to work 2 jobs, and was super stressed out.
I am glad I did it! Now I just need through the next year. It is going to be tough because I still want to work on my second degree in addition to doing an internship or two (I really want to do another internship at a school or something; I have an idea in mind but I don't want to write about it just yet), and everything else I do on top of it. I am working on better time management skills to say the least.
More good news. I filled in for my boss at the Census while she was away for a week (sudden family emergency) and her supervisors appreciated it. I received many thanks and "Good work!" compliments. It is nice to be appreciated for a change, LOL. My boss at McDonalds is never happy with anyone's work unless they are devoting their life to the place and that I refuse to do so therefore she does not have much use for me. So I am feeling pretty damn proud of myself today, I am enjoying the recognition.
Also, I found out I may have more work with the Census even though my initial job is winding down. I hope so because I really do enjoy the work. I have met so many lovely people working for the Census, not to mention being able to get out and see different parts of the county I live in.
I haven't had time to keep a blog like I would like to. I really want to write more, and need to make an effort. Same old story
Keeping a blog does help my writing and helps me to keep ideas flowing - well it helps me remember ideas and also what I was feeling, thinking at any given tiime. It is overwhelming at times though because I have so many thoughts running through my head, so many things I want to write about but not enough time in the day. It really stinks because like I touched on, writing does clarify a lot of things for me and it helps me relieve the anxiety and stress I sometimes feel. I really just need to devote a certain time everyday to writing and stick to it. I will be taking a couple of writing classes in the fall so getting the habit now would be a good thing. I think at this point I need to make a vow to myself to actively work on my writing skills.
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