Check out myspace
So I have had a myspace since 2005 or so. I got it because my friends at work had myspace, also my old friend Melissa had one to keep tabs on her teenagers. I have never done anything with it until recently. My stepson got a myspace so I decided to do something to my page so he won't feel too embarrassed to have me as a friend. Hehee. Maybe he will anyway though, no matter how I present my page. I am putting a lot of my pics over there though because a lot of family has myspace and it is good to keep your pics in many different places. I learned that after my old computer broke and then Sony Image Station closed.
I also have contacted 2 old friends I lost touch with. It just seems more people are on Myspace than anywhere.
I also started a facebook page. I did that because my friend Melissa moved over there and to see if I could find this one old friend I have been searching for. Facebook is supposed to be better than myspace. It is not as fun and no one I know is over there, except Melissa. It is boring over there.
I like MSN spaces. I started this page when Spaces came out because it seemed easier than Myspace. I got my page up real quick. No one I know is over here yet though. I wonder if it will ever be as popular as Myspace? I think it is easier to find people on Myspace. The search feature on spaces can be a little confusing.
I want to write more so I am going to try to keep a blog. I always wanted to keep a journal or diary but never could stick with it. Blogging is more fun than keeping a journal - it is more colorful and you can add pics and stuff. I think I will mostly blog over here though, so my stepson won't read (and be embarrassed by..) what I write, not that he would read it over on myspace. The kid is not big on reading.
Maybe I will blog on both, deeper thoughts over here so not many (if any) people will see it. Should be fun. 
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