This is a picture from the porch of Sunshine Lodge, Waldenwoods. 6/15/07
I woke up around 11am. My friend Melissa and her kids came banging on our door. She took my wedding gown and some of the other stuff up to the brides room at Cromaine Lodge. Rachel jumped in the shower while I had some quiet time on the porch of Sunshine Lodge. Melissa told me that the arbor was decorated and the chairs were already set up for the ceremony. Wow!
The rest of the afternoon flew by. I am so glad I chose to have a fairly late ceremony - 6pm. I took the rest of my stuff up to the brides room. Melissa, her daughter Katie, Katie's friend Chris, bridesmaid Stephanie, and Rachel were all there. I did a little decorating down in the reception hall - amazingly all the tables were set up already, even my centerpieces. I had to decorate the fireplace mantels (there are 3) and put candles in the fireplaces. The girls and Katie's friend Chris helped me get stuff ready, but even with all of us working we were still pressed for time. Waldenwoods provided us with some refreshments and sandwhiches. I ate really quick, then had to go take a shower. I had a hair and make-up appointment at a salon up the road in Hartland. I think it was for 2pm. I thought I had enough time but I still ended up running late. Hahaha. I also drove myself to my appointment, leaving the girls to get ready in the bride's room. I should have had hair and make-up come up to us! Or I should have had a limo.
I went to my hair appointment. Getting my hair done ended up taking some time. The hairdresser, who did an awesome job, said I was really calm. She kept asking me if I was all right. I guess she had never seen a bride as calm as me. I was a little nervous but not much. I had promised myself that I would stay calm and try not to cry on the Big Day. I was worried about time. I wanted to be done by 4:30 so the girls and I could have pictures done. Well I didn't end up getting done with hair and make-up until around 5pm (I think a little after). Yikes! Two kind of funny things happened at the salon. When the hair stylist was done with my hair (tiara and veil on also), she asked, "You're going to cut your shirt off, right?" I was like "oh, yeah - how am I going to get out of my shirt? I hadn't thought of that."
Then as I was going out to my car, ladies going into the salon were cheering me. I had a little trouble getting into my car. I was worried about my veil. It was so hot too! I was worried about my make-up. I was cursing myself for not planning better. Should have had a driver!
I pulled up to Waldenwoods, it must have been around 5:15. Guests were already arriving!! I could not believe it. The people at WW told me that only about half of the guests show up for the ceremony, and they usually straggle in. There were already a lot of guests there. Yikes! I had to hurry up and drive back to my room at Sunshine Lodge, grab a few things. My cell phone is ringing off the hook - the girls, "Where are you?" I saw my Dad along the way. He said "You're not dressed yet?!" "Um, obviously not Dad." Now the nerves were starting to set in. Time is always my enemy. I decided to change out of my clothes there. I shimmy out of my shirt - didn't have to cut it. Oh, stupid me - what the heck am I going to wear back to Cromaine Lodge? I wrap a towel around me, jump in my car and head on up to Cromaine Lodge. I had to run into the Lodge wrapped in a towel. I know some of the guests saw me. Won't they have a funny story to tell!
Back in the brides salon at Cromaine Lodge, my good friend Melissa had her hands full. Thank God she was there though. Thank God for Melissa! She had to do some alterations on Stephanie and Rachel's dresses. She got herself ready and also did Rachel and Stephanie's hair. Then I come running in there and she had all my wedding clothes laid out and ready for me to get dressed. The florist was there waiting for me to approve the flowers. They were beautiful. The photographer was kind of freaking out because he would not have time to get pictures of just us girls. I had to send down some last minute items, like the fan programs and the sand ceremony stuff. Katie and Chris took care of that. Thank God for Katie too. Then the minister was asking if we were going to start on time. What? Is it 6pm already?!! It was about 5:45 - time to get dressed. No time for nerves now! I had not even seen my Mom yet. It seems she was down greeting all the early arrivals and could not make her way up to the bride's room. Melissa helped me get dressed. The little flower girl, Brianna, was in there. She is so funny. I was naked behind a screen and she came back there and said "I see your butt crack, I see your butt crack." Hahahaha. Well I got dressed, got my jewelry on, and then, finally here comes my Mom. She hugged me and was starting to cry. No time for tears Mom. It was time to go. It was 5 minutes to 6pm. My Mom and I both talked later and we both wished we would have just waited a few minutes. It wouldn't have been that much of a big deal if we started a few minutes late. Oh well, no one had time to get very nervous this way.
I made my way downstairs to the double doors leadind out to the front lawn. My Dad was waiting for me. He was not emotional at all. I was glad because I did not need to get emotional. My biggest fear was that I would be a blubbering mess at the alter. My Dad and I peaked through the doors and watched the wedding party walk down the aisle. My Dad asked "I hope the rings aren't on the pillow!?" I looked - my nephew, LiL Kenny, the ringbearer was twirling the pillow around as he walked up the aisle. Luckily, the rings were with the best man. The kids looked so cute. I had two flower girls and one ringbearer. Then it was my turn to walk down the aisle. I walked down with a big smile on my face. Boy it was hot! And boy was the sun bright. There was my husband to be waiting for me with the minister, he looked so handosme in his tux. My Dad kissed me and then it was time for the ceremony.
My biggest fear and hurtle was getting over the ceremony. I always thought while planning, "I just can't wait for the party." Actually, the ceremony was what I remember most. The reception was mainly a big blur that went by too fast. The ceremony was beautiful. I didn't get all weepy, and Chuck did not seem nervous either. Even though it was hot, I did not feel it too badly. The minister did a fine job. The musicians, the Nagy Duo (harp and flute), were awesome. I loved the sand ceremony. One funny thing though, was my nephew, Lil Kenny, came up there with the ring bearer pillow saying "Where's Uncle Chuck, where's Uncle Chuck?" It was so funny and cute. I guess he finally thrust the pillow at the best man and took off running. Also, Chuck said there were people on the Lake cheering for us. hehehe. A lot of people have told me it was one of the best weddings they have been to. Of course, what could they say - ha. My aunt Candy said that it she felt a lot of love - there was a lot of love in the air. It was over too quickly. We had pictures which the two youngest of the bridal party could not hold still for. The sun was in our eyes for much of the pictures.
The reception went by in a whirl. I was pulled this way and that. I don't think I got a chance to talk to everybody. The food was awesome, and I do remember sitting down and eating. The music was lovely and my friends gave me a very wonderful toast. I will always cherish that. We cut the cake. We danced. I remember dancing my butt of with the teens. I remember seeing Jordan dancing and having a good ole time. We took pictures. I didn't get a chance to drink. Then soon it was 12:30 and it was over. I want to go back, now that I am sitting here writing about it. It was awesome - thanks Mom and Dad.
One bad thing did happen, which I did not find out about until the next day, so it didn't have any impact on the day. Someone (supposedly a teenager) tossed a paper towel in the light fixture upstairs and started a fire. It was quickly put out.
After the wedding, my hubby and I went back to our room in Sunshine Lodge and had some alone time. My friend and maid of honor, Rachel and her man, Justin, and bridesmaid Stephanie stayed at Sunshine Lodge that night also. After me and my hubby had our time, we went and got some beer and wine and we all sat out on the porches of the Lodge and talked. It was a nice way to end the day. The great thing about it is my husband and I can go to Waldenwoods anytime and stay there and remember.
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