I have been having an awesome week so far, other than being kind of crabby. Maybe I need some meds!
School has been going pretty good. I got a B (81%) on my Ab.Psychology test, which isn't bad considering the class average is 64.4%. I messed up on one of the essay questions. I will do better next time. My psych professor, Dr. McCain, gives hard tests. The good news is she throws out your worst test when computing final grades. I had Dr. McCain last year for Theories of Personality and I really like her. I wish she would be my mentor. I am afraid to ask her though. She paid me a great compliment last week. She said, "You know, Jackie, you really were my beacon of light last year." I guess the rest of the class did not do very well, some people were upset - it was a difficult class. She told me I did the best out of all the class. I worked my ass off in that class. My first test I did horribly on so after that I did not fool around. I ended up getting a 4.0, which was amazing. I was so thankful that she and remembered me and took the time to tell me too. Dr. McCain is awesome!
I am taking an acting class this semester and we are working on monologues. I have another great instructer in that class - Dan Gerics. He is an inspiration to me - so talented and full of creativity. I am not sure if he really likes me though. I guess I get the feeling that he is not sure of me or something. Well I did my monologue in front of the class for the first time Wednesday (just a preliminary reading) and I received some nice compliments. The best part was I could tell that Dan really liked it too. That felt really good. I was reluctant to do it on Wednesday because lately I have been going through some shit, not wanting to get up in front of people - not wanting to be looked at. I get like that sometimes. 'I want to be alone!' I think it may be Seasonal Affective Disorder - you know the whole wanting to hibernate in winter thing. So I am glad I pushed myself to get up in front of the class. Check out Dan's theatre - http://www.flintcitytheatre.com/
Another good think is I got an A on my first Algebra test. Woohoo! I am proud of that - math is not my strongest subject. I am going to have to study my ass off to keep that up. I also got and A on my first English Paper (Reading Pop Culture, it is a distance learning class). This is a hard class. So far it has been very irritating and not enjoyable. I hope that gets better. I have another paper due on Monday or Tuesday. That is one of the reasons it is so irritating - I never know for sure when papers are due. The prof will email the class on Monday with instructions on when to turn it in. Just give it to us now, dammit!
Now for the piece de resistance - for Valentine's Day my husband booked us a trip to Chicago!
We are going for the week-end and will be staying at the Palmer House Hilton right downtown. I love Chicago and I love the Palmer House. I hope to hit the Art Institute of Chicago. I will have to drag my husband. He should be happy - the AIC is free this month! I am getting excited. I was very surprised but I am worried also because I have a lot of homework (have to take some with me darn it
) and stuff I need to do before we leave. What the heck am I blogging for??
Here are some pics from a trip we took in Summer 2005. There is the lobby of the Palmer House; Michigan Avenue; Chicago skyline from Navy Pier ferris wheel; skyline with Hancock building (I hope we go to the restuarant up there this trip!)
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