" You're likely aware of your writing abilities, Sagittarius, but you may not realize the extent of your talent. It would be worthwhile to devote more time to your craft. You can't improve much if writing time is interrupted by other obligations. Take some time to produce something of value. Why not give it a try, even if just for a week or so, to see what you can do? "
I love my horoscope for today. I do need to devote more time to my writing - not sure I would call it my craft just yet though. 'Take some time to produce something of value.' I wonder if this blog would be considered something of value? Haha, probably not. Well it is invaluable to me because it does help me with my overall writing and my emotional health. Plus I would like to think I am leaving something for the future - my nephews or even my ancestors can look at it years from now and see what was going on, what I was like. I would like to work on my other writings though. I wrote a short story for a class last year I would like to polish. I am not sure it is any good but I guess that is why I should work on it...' devote more time to my craft.'
It is so weird. I have always said I love writing but yet I don't do enough of it. I suppose I love the idea of writing and I definitely love reading. I guess the reason I don't or haven't written a lot of stuff yet (other than mainly letters and this blog) is I am afraid my writing won't measure up. Do I have interesting stories to tell? On one hand I think I do (I think most people do - that is the psychologist in me I suppose, always interested in personal stories no matter how mundane), but my stories are all about me and my experiences. How do I get beyond that to create fictional stories that people want to read? How do I create meaningful stories? Stories that will stand the test of time and touch hearts and minds. That is part of my problem - I set myself up to fail before I begin because I want to write great stories that will be revered as classics. There is no sense in writing if I can't be this ages Jane Austin, haha. That is so bad. I need to get beyond that type of thinking but I always go back to it debating on what of value can I write, can I contribute to culture.
I know I can write beautiful characters, real characters but plot is more difficult. It is always said "Write what you know." What I know is interesting but not, in a way. It is hard to explain. Who wants to read a story about the middle class of our time? Or the working class of our time? Middle class/working class and about middle America! Can there be such as a thing as the great middle/working class novel of our time? Is it interesting enough? What would the plot be - work your ass off at crappy jobs, make due, until the your crappy rug is pulled out from under you and all your hard work is for naught? Boring, been done in more interesting ways. Plus how can sheltered old me even begin to 'write what I know' when what I know is so personal, so unique to my experience. I am dancing in circles. Perhaps I am making excuses. Perhaps I am not creative enough to write. =( This makes me sad but yet I don't have the balls to practice, to create even if what I create leads to nothing substantial. UGH!
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