I am so excited. I only have one thing (my Lit paper which I am now afraid to work on; silly me I am afraid I am going to ruin it) to wrap up and then I am done with this semester. Then I can move on to wrapping up Christmas gifts, HaHa.
This semester was super hard (well it was a challenge for sure) for me. I took on too much (16 credits, 5 classes!) but it is all coming together. Well, accept for my math but you win some and you lose some. That is one major thing a lot of students have reminded me of this semester is that if at first you don't succeed try try again, and it will be alright. I couldn't concentrate on my math because I did about a novels worth of paper writing. When I get the time I am going to put all my papers together and add up the page count.
I am proud of myself because I completed my Psych research paper, which I got a 95% on. I have never done a paper for psych before and had barely done a research paper at all. Now I have that under my belt. I also am amazed at my Final test grade in Psych - I got a 96%. Woohoo! I didn't think I did that well on the test. And to top it all off, we had to do a presentation on our research (my group did colors effect on emotions) and me and my group got 5 points extra over and above the top grade because our presentation was so magnificent! I pulled of an A in research Psych so I am so happy.
I am getting an A in my Drama as Performance class. There was a ton of writing in that class, but most of it was fun except for our big project where I had to take apart a play and analyze it. I did mine on Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire. That is a very complex play and of course I waited until the last minute to do the bulk of the work on it but I pulled it off. I ended up getting an A on the project. I still want to learn more about Williams too, I got really into the project and his work. I felt bad I couldn't give it more time. I can't believe I got an A (25 pts put of 25) on the last test in that class too; I didn't have enough time to study and didn't even study all the plays covered on the test. Wouldn't you know it, the majority of the test was about the play I didn't know but I decided to wing it and I succeeded. I padded my grade with about as much extra credit (extra opinion papers on plays we read and an extra performance critique) I could do but didn't really need it at the end. Oh well, I had fun writing and going to plays.
In my English grammar class I am .01% (I kid you not, my grade is an 89.99%) away from an A. I am hoping my prof bumps me up to an A but I am not sure. That class was challenging but the easiest of all my classes - no papers to write. I did really well in it too, except I messed up on one test so that brought my grade down. Dang verbs! hahahaha. I loved the professor for that class too; I am going to miss her. She is from the Netherlands and had really interesting stories. I hope she doesn't forget me because I am going to take another one of her classes.
Now I am just waiting to see what my grade for my Literary Analysis class is going to be. I think I did really well on the final although I was mad when I took it. The prof told us there would be no essay questions on the test and there was 2. How is she going to lie like that? haha And the test was a 2 parter. I came in and she hands me the first part and says "Here is part one" I was like "HUH? Part one?" Yeah there was another part. Part one was the essay questions and close reading part. Also she gave us 11 pieces of narrative from the literature we read in class and we had to write both the title of the piece and the author. I aced that, whizzed right on through but those darn essays! I think I did pretty good though. You know by that point I was sick of writing. Then part two was multiple choice. I think I did pretty good there too, although there were a few questions I was iffy on. So now all I have to do is wrap up my research paper. I have one paragraph and a closing to do, and like I said, now I am afraid to work on it. I am afraid I can't wrap it up correctly and I will ruin it. I am so silly.
All and all I am proud of myself and I feel like I did good
. It was my first semester at a new school and I was worried it was going to be 10 times harder than my old school. It wasn't really harder, I think I just put put a lot more on myself - had higher expectations of what I could accomplish. I pulled almost every thing off I set out to do and I learned a lot. I am not scared (not too much anyway) that I am going to really mess up like I was at the beginning of the semester. I know I can meet the challenges of the next semester. 
Now if I can only meet the challenges of Christmas.
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