I have two very silly parakeets. I leave their cage open and let them fly around my home office. They stay in the office and that is a good thing. The bad thing is they are very messy and love to chew on stuff. They have taken to chewing on the wood trim around the window. This cannot be healthy for them and it is not heathy for the trim and appearance of the office but the birds love to fly around and explore. I hate to keep them shut up.
I originally thought my blue parakeet, BB, was a girl but then thought it was a boy because it developed color on it's cere (the spot above their beak), an indicator that the bird is male. It is hard to tell the sex of birds. They do not have sex organs that are identifiable (not that I know of) and anyway my birds will not let me hold them. I know my green parakeet, Sprite, is a boy birdie. Recently my husband and I have observed Sprite getting on top of BB (and also the other way around). I actually watched Sprite going to town on BB yesterday. I was embarrassed but fascinated.
I just thought, you know, they are together all the time, they have no other birds, that is just the way it is. Well, I have made a discovery. BB has been playing around in a fooseball table that we have - going in and out of the launch and goal holes. I thought it was just something fun for the bird but it seems that SHE is trying to nest. I discovered an EGG in the goal hole. I am so suprised. It is a tiny little egg. I don't think it will make it but I am not going to touch it and will watch and see what happens. I will have to buy some nesting materials for the poor birdies. YIKES!
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