I had a great Christmas but I am glad it is over. Now I can relax. I wrote the same thing last year too! That is the great thing about keeping a blog or diary - I can go back and see what I was thinking last year. Well I feel the same this year as last.
I hate to feel glad that Christmas is over but I am. It used to be my favorite time of year but now it is just a lot of work. Some aspects of Christmas are still fun but because of school, it has been harder for me to get all the decorations up (and that is one of my favorite things about the holidays. I love my Christmas ornaments and decor) and shopping done in time for the season. By the time I am out of school for break I just want to take to my bed for a few days and not have to worry about anything. Needless to say my Christmas spirit is out the window.
Christmas is bittersweet to say the least. For one thing I always think about my Grandparents, and Aunts and Uncles, who are no longer around to celebrate the season. For anyone who has lost someone special, you know how empty it can feel when someone is missing at Christmas. It just is never the same.
Here is another problem - sometimes I feel like such a hypocrite celebrating Christmas. I am not religious (to all my religious friends, I am spiritual, I believe in God and Jesus but I have my own set of beliefs that works for me) and I do not attend church so Christmas does not have a lot of meaning for me. It just seems like it is a very materialistic holiday anymore, you know "Gimme Gimme" or "I got this, this and that.... what did you get" I am just so over it all. Well I guess I should say I am torn; I like to see a lot of presents under the tree (and who doesn't like to get gifts) but at the same time the 'rampant' consumerism around this time of year really bugs me. I am sickened by it. What is the point, really? The whole guy getting trampled by shoppers trying to get into Walmart for the best deal really bothered me this year. It just illustrates how crazy and uncaring people have become. Christmas should not be all about the presents. To me the most important part of Christmas is getting together with friends and family, not getting the best deal or the most crap.
I am getting to be like my Dad. Whenever I ask him what he wants for Christmas he says "Nothing" or "Don't get me anything. I don't need anything" That is how I am beginning to feel as I get older. I got some awesome gifts from my husband throughout the year and I felt bad that he should spend a lot more money on me now, just because it is Christmas. My parents too - they have done a lot to help me and my brother over the years that I really don't want them to feel obligated to give me a gift at Christmas. My Mom always goes crazy at Christmas. She too likes to see a lot of presents under the tree. It just gets to be too much. I feel greedy making a list. Specially when all I really want is time - time to spend with family and friends.
I was trying to start some new traditions with my husband, friends, and the rest of my family but time has been an issue. I love going to places like Greenfield Village or Crossroads Village (old time places) for Christmas but I didn't have the time or energy this year. That is one of my favorite things to do for the holiday season. Another fun thing to do is to watch the Santa parade. There is one in my town every year. Last year I went, along with my stepson, sisters-in-law and their kids. We all came back to my house for hot chocolate after. That was fun. For some reason it didn't happen this year. I think everyone was just too busy (I know I was still up to my ears in papers to write). These are things I like - the old fashioned, simple ways of celebrating the holiday season. I will have to try harder next Christmas. I think I am going to start planning now so I can do the things that matter to me.
And every year I want to go check this out but I never get a chance, so maybe if I post the link I will see it for next year...
My Christmas Celebrations
This year we kicked the holiday season off with my husband's work Christmas party. I felt guilty going because I had a ton of schoolwork to finish and I had to work super early the next morning. I didn't even go to my own work party because of schoolwork but I didn't want to let my husband down and blow off his work party too. After the company party, everyone got together to go bowling. That was fun even though I can't bowl worth a crap. Then we all went to a bar called the "Thrift City Bar" to sing karaoke. I wasn't expecting much from this bar but it ended up being a pretty good hang out and we all had a blast. We got the whole bar singing along to our karaoke songs (one was Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody"). They also had some good cosmos at that bar too. I hope we can do that again.
Then, a couple of weeks later, my husband and I went to my stepson Jordan's Christmas band concert at his high school. I took my 5 year old nephew, Kenny, along to see my stepson play in the band. My nephew loves his cousin. Well anyway that was an adventure. My nephew, before the concert, kept asking "Where's Jordan?" I had to keep telling him he was getting ready to perform. I walked with him around the school to keep him occupied before the concert and told him to peek in the band room to see if he saw Jordan. He looked in and then shut the door real quick, embarrassed to be caught peeking. Luckily Jordan's band was up first. Kenny sat still for Jordan's performance but it was hard to keep him still through the rest of the concert - the choir's 5-6 songs and another band's 3 songs. He kept asking for Jordan (or is it over yet). I brought him a coloring book and crayons but he wasn't interested in that. Trying to be funny, I told him he should do a pretty ballet dance to the music and he said "That is stupid. Don't say that to me ever again!" Hahaha. He has a lot of attitude for a 5 year old. After the concert Lil' Kenny got to say hi to Jordan but was disappointed that Jordan couldn't come home with him and play. My husband and I took Lil' Kenny to the local restaurant (it has a bar too) where he got quite comfortable. We were talking to the owner, who is a friend of ours, and Lil' Kenny sits up next to the owner at the bar and asks for a beer! Then he was asking the owner about his wildlife and guns decorating the walls of the restaurant. Lil' Kenny wanted him to take the guns down so he could see them. Yikes, I think my little nephew is going to be trouble.
The Saturday before Christmas we went to my brother-in-law's house for our family Christmas. We were lucky to have my stepson with us. For a few days my husband and I thought that it might not happen because of a dispute with his ex-wife but stuff worked out for the holidays at least (I will have to write more about that another time - did I ever tell you what a piece of s... work that one is, with her games and shenanigans
). The party was fun and good to see everybody again. It seemed like it had been so long. My husband's family all live close by (except one brother) but we don't seem to get together as much as we used to. We always laugh our butts off when we get together and this Christmas was no exception. There is also always plenty of food. We left that party with our bellies sore from eating and laughing too much.
My sister-in-law made the best fudge and buckeyes ever. I am craving some right now. Luckily she emailed me the recipe and I am thinking about making some for New Years.
Then the next day we had to drive down to Toledo to my Uncle Joe's for another family Christmas. This time with my Dad's side of the family. I don't get to see them very often but I was very tired after driving almost 2 hours in the ice and wind. More good food and fun, although we did not stay very long this Christmas because of the drive back. I left with two big projects to work on for 2009: First my Uncle Tim says I have to get in shape to walk the Detroit marathon in October with him, my Dad, and my other Aunts and Uncles. The second project is that my husband and I have to make sure to have our house ready to host Christmas. It is supposed to be my Mom hosting the family in 2009 but she does not want to do it at her house because it is too much work. I am actually looking forward to hosting the family but I know it is going to be a challenge because I always have trouble getting everything ready while I am in school. I am going to have to start planning early and stay on top of things.
Christmas eve, my husband, stepson and I stayed home. I made one of our favorite dinners (and easy) - Chicken Parmesan. My stepson spent Christmas eve watching old Saturday Night Live episodes and killing people.... on his video game. Haha. I decorated the Christmas tree with a little help from my husband. I love decorating the Christmas tree, and the house to, although I only had time to decorate the tree. I actually have 3 little Christmas trees besides the big one. I have tubs and tubs of decorations but I never have enough time to get everything out. I always mean to start decorating in November but I can't ever seem to make it. I love my ornaments for the tree though. I have a lot and they are all very beautiful. Unwrapping the ornaments every year is like getting presents. Some I just like for their beauty and some have special meanings and memories for me.
Christmas morning we unwrapped our presents. My husband was disappointed because some of the presents he ordered for me and his son did not come in time. I felt bad for him but it did not bother me - it is always nice to get presents after Christmas too.
Then he was even more embarrassed because the big gift he had ordered for his son, the game Guitar Hero World Tour for playstation, was actually the wrong kind. It was for the Wii. I told my stepson maybe, if his Dad had any money left
, we will have to buy a Wii now. They seem kind of interesting, but Lord knows my husband and I don't have time for any game systems (I waste enough time blogging and playing The Sims 2). I don't think my stepson is really interested in the Wii though. He was not upset about the mix-up either. He is a good kid. Haha, he was happy with his requisite socks and underwear for Christmas. He also went back to his mom's house Christmas morning so he knew he had more presents to open (and maybe a chance of getting that game there too). I got my husband a cool blue Ipod for Christmas. I was excited about that because he has been wanting a new one for a while now. He really likes it. I also made out for Christmas, even though I really didn't want anything in particular. Really the only thing I wanted was to do some book shopping and my husband came through bigtime on that. I also got a cool digital frame. My husband knows I love my pictures.
After my stepson left for his mom's, my husband and I went to my parent's house for breakfast and more presents. It is fun to watch my nephews open their gifts. It is a little crazy. Breakfast was really good. My Mom made biscuits and gravy and scrambled eggs. Yummy! Then my husband and I went home to spend some quality time together
. Then back to my parents for dinner and to watch my nephews bang up their new toys. Boy did my Mom make a lot of food. There was awesome prime rib, sauerkraut and kielbasa, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, salad, steamed veggie medley, cookies, cheesecake, jello and pecan pie. Yummy! but Yikes! We had to go back the next day to help clean up leftovers.
Too much food, too much fun. I am just now starting to recover from Christmas and the fall semester of school. So soon it will be New Years and then back to school time.
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