A friend gave me kudos over on Mspace for hiking 7 miles. She recently went to Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes and had trouble getting up the first huge hill. It reminded me of another hike I took long ago. I wish I had pics to share but I don't have them scanned into my computer and my scanner is acting crazy right now.
Almost 10 years ago, when my husband and I first started dating, we went to Sleeping Bear. My Stepson was 5. It was hard for me to get up the first hill but I made it. It was easy for the youngster and he had a blast, of course. Well, we decide to take the dune hike to Lake Michigan. That was a big mistake. It was only supposed to be something like a mile and a half - we thought we could do it, no problem. Um, no. It was 1 and a half miles of walking up and down sandy hills (Duh! Dunes, hahaha). We ran out of water real quick. Half the the trail markers were missing or buried. Halway to the lake we could hear the waves crashing, so we kept thinking we were close - just have to get over the next hill. NO, hills came and went and no Lake. Finally we made it. Finally. We were so thirsty we drank the Lake water. Then we noticed storm clouds over the Lake. Uh oh, better get back. Halway back, we were sorta lost and being pelted by hard rain -not to mention being scared by the lightning and loud, crashing thunder. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the sand getting getting in our eyes and stinging our skin from the wind the storm whipped up. My poor stepson had had enough; he was like "Carry me!" We were like "Who's going carry us?" hahahaha. But we made it back and lived to tell the tale. That was the last time I climbed the first big hill. We have been back since, but I am content to watch the kids climb it and roll down. 
Click on the link for more info about Sleeping Bear. (beautiful pics)
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