Check out the pictures of my nephews I put up. Aren't they cute? It was my youngest newphews 1st birthday Saturday, but we celebrated it on Sunday. I got some awesome pics of the kids playing. The tall, skinny kid is my stepson. My 2 oldest newphews really look up to him. I was proud of my stepson Sunday because he played so well with the little ones (well the 2 oldest, they are 2 and 4). He played balloons and pushed them around in their little cars. I appreciate that and I know the kids love it. I know he would have rather been hanging out with his cousin. I think he ended up having some fun.
Skinny Boy
My stepson is so tall and skinny. We feed him, we really do! Some family members accuse us and/or his mother of not feeding him. I tell them that we feed him and I am sure his mother does too. I am always asking him if he ate or if he got enough to eat. He eats - he can really throw down. Lately we have to tell him to slow down while he is eating.
My husband and I were shopping for pants for him last week. We couldn't find his size at all. All the pants were too big in the waist or too short. We finally had to get pants a size bigger in the waist and a size smaller length wise than what he had asked for. Luckily the pants fit. I am sure he will grow out of them very soon. I told my stepson "Damn, I wish I would grow - taller ... not fatter. You know, this way not that way." We were laughing.
Monday ended up being a good day at work. The day went by fast, hahaha.
There was a new guy Monday. I got to talking to him. His name is Robert and he is going to school for Psychology too. He went to Mott and had Dr. McCain for a professor. She is our favorite prof. He is going to Rochester College now, which is at Mott. He still gets to see Dr. McCain. I almost wish I would have chosen Rochester College too. The new guy told me "I was hoping I would meet someone who is in school for psych" so he did and now we are happy to be friends. We can exchange ideas and job/opportunity info. He has a Myspace. I love his space - he has nice pics. I already emailed him with some info I had, and he emailed me back. He said if I don't do psychology I could be a photographer. I love compliments!
Robert was recently laid off from his job as an intake worker for drug rehabillitation/working with the courts. He was lucky enough to be working in the field already but his old company was under bid for the contract of the work he was doing. So now he is stuck at McD's until somthing better comes along. Robert told me it was hard putting on the McD uniform that morning, but he is thankful to have a job. I know how he feels. He has 3 kids and just bought a new house too.
I am scared and sad for him. I hope he can find something else. I hope I can find something else. I have a few prospects but I still have not started to job search in earnest yet. I think I may just look for a part time waitressing job because school is going to start soon. I don't really want to work full time and either try to struggle through school (FT or part time) or put it off for 6 months to a year. Only if the two really good full time jobs I applied for pan out. Then I might be tempted. I will have to see what happens within the next month.
I drove a co-worker, Sara, home after work. She is a really sweet girl. She is 19, I think, and has one son. She dropped out of school and does not even have her drivers license yet. She has just been busy with her son and trying to work. She lives with her boyfriend and his family just around the block from me. I told her she should definitely get her GED and go on to college. I hope she does. On our way home, we were talking about the new guy and college. She says she wants to go to college and help/counsel young kids. I hope she chases that dream. It makes me sad to see/hear about people dropping out of highschool. It is like you need a college degree to do anything anymore.
So I drove around my block when I took Sara home. I have never been around the block!
It is a farm block (not sure of the proper term) so it is 4 miles. I was thinking I should start walking around the block everyday. It looks like a pretty walk and I might lose some weight. I need to get in shape for that 17 mile hike and I would like to try to do the bridge walk this Labor Day too. I will have to start. Better get to it.
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