Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Saginaw Zoo and yet another birthday party!!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Queen Anne's Lace
Health Care, Health insurance
Hospitals and clinics often charge insurance companies less for medical services because insurers insist on paying discounted rates. Health-care providers cannot offer the same discounts to uninsured patients because it would be considered insurance fraud, according to several local doctors.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Great Quote
"The writer, when he is also an artist, is someone who admits what others don't dare reveal." Elia Kazan
I like that quote. It is so true too. To really be a great writer you have to go to the depths of your soul and pull stuff up that most people don't think about, can't handle and would never admit. Psychology is like that also. I often times think I reveal too much in these blogs but in truth I am holding back. I would really like to cut lose and just write, write, write but I don't have the time and energy right now. I guess I am not brave enough either. I guess some subjects aren't fit for a blog. Well I will explore this idea as I go along. Write what I feel for that day. There are plenty of topics, that is for sure.
I could keep a diary but I am such an attention whore - I like to have an audience, or at least feel I have an audience. Who knows if anyone ever reads my blog. Yeah, who knows who reads your blogs - it could be anybody.
It could be someone trying to cause you trouble (or someone who is curious and/or nosy - that would be my kind of person) so I guess you should never reveal more than you want to deal with. I like lead my life like an open book. I try not to keep too many secrets (like everyone I have at least one or two) or tell lies so I don't have to go around scared about how people may see me or find out about me.
Stepmother issues...
I have a very good friend - I will call her Pat. Lately she has been annoyed by her son’s stepmother – I’ll call the son Jon and the stepmom, Dee. Jon recently graduated high school and joined the armed forces. Well my friend Pat is annoyed with a lot of her family and also her son’s father and stepmother. Especially with them because Pat says that they always talked down about Jon’s idea of enlisting, saying that he could/would never do it, can’t handle it, etc. Now it seems to her that they are jumping on his band wagon, acting like they have been supportive all along. I told her that as far as that goes, Jon knows who has been behind him and who has not supported him all along, right?
Well she is really annoyed with the stepmom, Dee because she is always talking about how proud she is of ‘her’ son and goes on and on about how he joined the armed services. Pat says Jon does not even like his stepmom (that made me kind of sad). I guess Dee has put a lot of crap on her myspace about she is a proud soldier mom and even wrote a blog about that kind of stuff. Yeah, that would annoy me too. Even though I am a stepmom, I think you should be careful about claiming another woman’s child as yours. I do think that Dee crossed the line at putting all that kind of stuff up on her myspace. I guess I feel that, even if she considers Jon as her own and is very proud of him, out of respect for Pat she should tone it down a bit. Another thing that bugged me about Dee is I guess she told Pat one time that she should get Jon and his sister on Mother’s Day sometimes because she was their mother too. When Pat told me that I was like, “UM, NO! You are the mother and your kids should be with you on Mother’s Day, at least until they are 18 or so. Dee needs to back off and realize that and respect that.” I mean, geez, the nerve of her. I would never expect my stepson to spend Mother’s Day with me. He should be with his mother. Sure it is nice to be recognized on that day for your efforts as a stepmom but I don’t think it should be expected or seen as an absolute right. Well I basically told Pat not to sweat it – stop going over and looking at Dee’s myspace if it bugs her that much. Pat knows the truth and Jon knows the truth so why should all this nonsense bother her?
This is kind of a conflict for me, to tell the truth. I can see both sides. In my opinion, and this may be a little harsh, Pat as a woman who left her husband (he was abusive) and kids (she didn’t want to uproot them from their home and school) for another man, should been prepared for the possibility that there would be another woman, another mother figure in her kid’s lives. It is hard, I know. Especially when all parties involved can’t get along with each other. (Well to me it seems they get along better than most – I guess that took some time though. Both sets of parents did co-host Jon’s graduation party. That one intrigued me, after listening to all the bad stuff that has gone on between the Pat and her ex-husband.) But like I said in the above paragraph, stepmoms should be careful about claiming their stepkids as their own. That too is hard, because you don’t want your stepkid to feel unloved or not part of the family. I suggested that to Pat, that maybe Dee claimed Jon as her own because she was just used to trying to make him feel like part of the family- that she doesn’t distinguish between her own son and her husband’s (Pat’s) kids. Pat wasn’t having it. What more can be done? Pat is not an insecure person so I all I can do is tell her that as long as she and Jon and all those that care about her know what is up – know the truth, then that is all that matters. I mean Jon has already told his mother that he does not even really like his stepmom (I kind of feel bad for Dee but she has done her share of mean things to Pat). Let the stepmom make a fool of herself over a kid that could really care less about her.
Another thing, how likely is it that Dee is just putting stuff all over her Myspace to A)make herself look good, or B)is insecure about her relationship with Jon and wants to try to get closer to her stepson, or C) knows that what she has on her myspace really bugs Pat so she goes overboard with it, just to push Pat's buttons (there are people like that)? I told Pat that Dee may just be trying to annoy her. Pat is thinking about that one, but overall she is just annoyed. I guess I did all I could do - just lend an ear and offer my perspective.
Oh boy, this is a topic near and dear to my heart. I have a lot to say about being a stepmother, as well as a lot to learn about the topic and how we all cope – both parents and stepparents – within blended families.
Step-parenting is a subject that has many sides and viewpoints, many, many stories and experiences. It is safe to say it is a complex topic with many different issues and sides. I have made kind of a study of the topic since I am a stepmother and I plan on going into psychology and will more than likely have to deal with these issues quite a bit. I will have to do more writing on this.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
More about liars....
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Liars Perplex Me
Misc. Stuff I have been thinking about...
Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Long Hike
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
People are many things. There are a lot of good people in the world; there are a lot of bad people in the world. There are a lot of people that are somewhere in the middle. People are conflicted. I have known some good, some bad and for certain some conflicted people. At times I am conflicted. Whatever people are, good, bad, problematic, people interest me. Their thoughts, their ideas, their stories; why they do the things they do - I am always curious. I am a big time people watcher.
I like to think I am a good judge of people. I seem to have always had a sense about what a person is all about as soon as I meet them. It may be I am a little psychic; I know I am certainly very sensitive and perceptive. Not to say I always catch everything. No one is infallible. I guess this is why I have always had an interest in psychology. I want to write about some of the things I believe to be true about people. I hope I may not come off as highly critical. I can be very critical. I try to temper this with kindness and understanding. I don’t always succeed with this as quickly as I should. Know that I often turn my critical lens on myself too. I would like to write more about people - their behaviors, their ways of thinking, what I perceive in some people and my experiences in dealing with people. I guess I would like to write about what we call ‘human nature’.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
This Week-End Past
Night People
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Good Quote
"There are always two people in every picture: the photographer and the viewer." Ansel Adams
I love taking what I call scenery pictures. I take a lot of pics of trees, flowers, water, etc. I don't photograph people too often. I really like the above quote by Ansel Adams. It sums up the majority of my photography. Nature - the colors, the shadows and light, intrigues me. I really identify with what he is saying. To me he is basically saying you don't need people in a picture for it to convey meaning and emotion. The picture is interesting because of the beauty of the scene (or lack of beauty) but also because of the way the photographer chose to photograph it and because of what people feel when they view the picture - what meaning they ascribe it.