Here is a classmate's blog:
Worries of one college student
I love what she says about blogging:
"I think it's nice to just have it to put your thoughts out there, even if you don't have a lot of people reading it. It keeps you writing, which is important for writers."
"But it's a good resource for anyone who likes to write or would like to share ideas with other people. It's a little piece of someone, and I like to see personalities and passions come out of people that you wouldn't necessarily know by just looking at them. People have truly magnificent ideas in their heads but a lot of times they're too timid to share them. Blogging is an opportunity for people to say something that they would normally keep inside of them."
"I don't like to see all of my thoughts disappear, even if they don't mean anything to anyone else, so I like that I can keep them safe on here, that they won't disappear in my head."
I couldn't agree more. 
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