I had a very Merry Christmas, too merry in fact. Now I am wore out. School kicked my ass then hurrying to get ready for Christmas really did me in. I didn't even get to put up my Christmas decorations. I did get my tree decorated... on Christmas Eve. Yikes! That was cutting it close. Thank goodness my husband wrapped all the presents, besides his of course.
My Christmas celebrations started the week before Christmas with my husband's work Christmas party. It was just dinner and awards at White Horse Tavern in the big, bad city of Flint.
We had fun but unfortunately we couldn't go out and party it up with his co-workers because I still had studying to do.
The next day my husband, stepson and I (as well as my parents, sister in law and nephews) went down to my old hometown of Romulus (near Detroit) for my family Christmas. All my Dad's siblings and their families get together and have a good time. I love my family; I don't get to see them that often. I love talking with them and I think one of my New Year's Resolutions will be to make an effort to see my extended family more often. On the way back home I drove two of my nephews through the big airport. They were excited to see all the planes.
Christmas eve my husband and I had my parents over for dinner. It was nice to cook dinner for my mom for a change. I made roast - it turned out OK, a little over cooked (that is how I like it, ha) but I didn't hear any complaints. My husband really liked it, but he is easier to please than my parents. After dinner we played Wii bowling and had lots of fun. It was a nice evening.
Christmas Day was jam packed with activity. We struggled to wake up so we could open gifts before we had to take my stepson back to his mom's. We didn't get up too early though - it is not like when my stepson was a little kid and would wake us up at 6 or 7am. In a way I miss those days but in a way not so much. I was up too damn late the night before; I always am. Plus we gave my stepson one of his gifts early (a video game he really wanted) so he could enjoy it, not just unwrap it and forget about it 'til next time he is with us. So it took the edge off his excitement.
We went to my parent's house to open gifts and have brunch. My brother, sister-in-law and their 3 boys live there so it was a madhouse. We arrived just as my nephews came out (or were let out of) their room to see all their presents under the tree.
I love watching those stinkerbutts open their gifts but it is exhausting - you don't know which way to look because there is so much going on. So cute though, especially when my littlest nephew, who is 3, alternates between giving you gifts to open (he even tried to give away one of his presents!) and demanding more for himself to open. Once they tear off all the wrapping paper they need help getting all the stuff out of the packaging and put together. Fighting over toys breaks out soon after.
We had a late brunch at my mom's - yummy biscuits and gravy. I just wanted to eat that all day but we had to hurry home to get ready for my husband's family party. We were having a Mexican Christmas - all Mexican food (well it was more Mexican-American or the American version of) because everyone was sick of traditional Christmas fare. I had to whip up some enchiladas, beans and rice for the party. I wasn't too sure about the whole Mexican food thing but it turned out well, and there was a lot of food. My enchiladas, rice and beans went fast! We also had tacos and fajitas plus a whole lot of appetizers and desserts. Everyone was busting a gut and couldn't move after dinner. Feliz Navidad!
All in all it was a weird Christmas - everyone seemed low key for Christmas this year (except for my littlest nephews and perhaps my youngest niece). It seemed like all the adults were wore out. Too busy I guess. I know I am ready for some quiet time, some time just to chill out and be lazy. Maybe I'll get that on my short break between semesters. I hope.
My Christmas fun isn't over yet though. My husband got me (our family) a membership to Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village (Dearborn, Michigan) and luckily their "Holiday Nights" celebration is going on for a few more days after Christmas, so we are going tomorrow. I love it!
I want to make that a Christmas tradition every year but I seldom have the time to go before the holiday. I would also like to check out Crossroads Village and Huckleberry Railroad Christmas Celebration (Flint, Michigan), another place I love, but I feel I am almost celebrated out! 
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