Ha ha, I assumed a certain person would be checking out my blog today. Now that is funny.
Take a look at this:
Parental Alienation Syndrome
From Hostile Aggressive Parenting:
Is this someone you know?
Does this person:
• badmouth a parent in front of the children and at every opportunity?

• not answer the phone when the other parent calls?

• convince the child that they should change their surname?

• play on the children's feelings of guilt and sympathy?

• use the child as a weapon against the other parent and family members?

• order or manipulate the child to not answer the phone when it rings?

• say that the child does not want to speak for to the other parent?

• undermine the other parent by encouraging the child to defy the other parent
• not answer the phone when the other parent calls?
• convince the child that they should change their surname?
• play on the children's feelings of guilt and sympathy?
• use the child as a weapon against the other parent and family members?
• order or manipulate the child to not answer the phone when it rings?
• say that the child does not want to speak for to the other parent?
• undermine the other parent by encouraging the child to defy the other parent
So I have went through the list. The first two points have definitely happened and I would guess that it still goes on. The 3rd I wouldn't know about. The 4th point - oh yes, that is evident. The 5th, that again is a yes. The 6th yes, I believe so. There was also that one Halloween were the child was told to hide and not answer the door. Real nice. The last 2 points are iffy. And I am not talking on our side either for the people that like to pass the blame off. Everything that could have been done to protect the child on our end has been done. We know how to control ourselves.
The child is so afraid to hurt anyone's feelings or cause problems that he doesn't say much of anything about his own feelings. How do you think that is going to affect him in the long run? He doensn't trust, is afraid to feel or show them. It may not mean much to certain people because they have the depth of a puddle but it is not good.
This has been ongoing, over many, many years. It is not just one or two isolated incidents. How do you think that affects a child? How do you think that affects all involved?
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