I also did Wii Fit the last two days. Yesterday I was down 2.2 pounds from the last time I was on two weeks ago. Today I was down even further - it said I lost a little over a pound since yesterday. Now those are results I like to see! I know that is unrealistic but hey, maybe all the dancing and sweating is the way to go. Or maybe I unloaded all the Thanksgiving dinner I took in on Thursday. EWWWWW, sorry TMI.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
I'm on a roll ...
I also did Wii Fit the last two days. Yesterday I was down 2.2 pounds from the last time I was on two weeks ago. Today I was down even further - it said I lost a little over a pound since yesterday. Now those are results I like to see! I know that is unrealistic but hey, maybe all the dancing and sweating is the way to go. Or maybe I unloaded all the Thanksgiving dinner I took in on Thursday. EWWWWW, sorry TMI.
Not Right!!
Friday, November 26, 2010
I Feel Like Singing!!
Tonight I decided to put my Ipod on while I write. Bad idea. The first two songs were old favorites and now I just want to forget writing and sing my heart out. I haven’t done that in a while – I don’t sing like I used to; I don’t listen to music as much as I used to. I think that is a byproduct of depression. I am starting to come out of it and hopefully gaining more energy so now I can allow music back in my life. I just can’t sing and let in all out tonight because I have a lot of writing to do and my husband and stepson are home – I can’t belt out all my favorite love songs for fear of embarrassing myself. I would probably scare the crap out of them too, ha.
I wonder how many calories singing burns? I looked it up - sitting and singing for an hour burns about 157 calories. Standing and singing for the same time burns around 367. Awesome! I will have to remember that. I usually stand and sit while I am singing and my ‘concerts’ usually last at least an hour. I could add singing at least once a week to my exercise/activity regimen.
Activity Calculator:
I sometimes think that if I sang every time I got a really bad food craving, I might not eat, I might forget about the craving. I have never really tried it because (my will power isn’t strong enough) I am weak when it comes to food. I want to eat! Well there is always my lack of energy problem, and food gives me a short term high. Singing usually tires me out. I would still like to do some research on this concept - can a person be successful at replacing food cravings with a hobby or activity? Interesting… I wonder if there are any studies out there on that – something I will have to investigate.
Just Dance!
Yay! So I got on the Wii today and I have lost 2.2 pounds since the last time I was on two weeks ago. Of course my BMI is down a slight bit also. That is awesome considering all the food I ate yesterday. I did a few balance exercises on the Wii fit and then I couldn’t wait to try out Just Dance 2 again. First I decided to try the other new game I bought – Gold’s Gym Dance Fitness.
I popped that one in and set up my profile and did a little bit. I didn’t like it very much – it is too hard and goes too fast. You really have to be coordinated to work out to that. Plus I wanted to see what music was on it but I couldn’t figure out if I could pick my songs or if I had to work my way (earn it) through. I had to give up. I think I will put that one away for when I get a little more coordinated.
Then I put in my Just Dance 2. I was thinking that I would just do one song and then stop but I ended up having so much fun with it I did about 4 songs. That kicked my butt again but I like it. I just don’t know what is so fun about that game but it is fantastic. If I only have enough time to work out to that every day I will lose weight in no time. Most of the time I don’t even move my legs – the whole not coordinated thing prevents me. With practice I hope to get better.
It is so weird that I like that dancing game. I was never much of a dancer or at least not one for choreographed dance. When I was a kid all the girls I knew always wanted to pretend like they were dancers (that was back in the early 80’s and Solid Gold was a big thing, haha – look it up young’ins!)or cheerleaders and that never interested me that much. I am surprised I love Just Dance 2 so much. It might be because it is more fun than just regular exercise or aerobics and the dances aren’t all the same – more variety. Anyway I am happy I bought that game.
I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving. I had an excellent one although it is not going to help my quest to lose weight at all. I had TWO Thanksgiving dinners! Well not all on the same day, thank goodness. My husband and I went to my Mom’s Wednesday night and had Thanksgiving dinner with her and my sister-in-law and my nephews. I did not stuff myself, which is a good thing. This was partly due to this not being the best Thanksgiving dinner my Mom has ever cooked. Don’t tell her I said that.
*My youngest nephew, Brent, Brent the holy terror. He is not as innocent as he looks
* I titled this picture "Thanksgiving Rolls" - Brent took a picture of my fat rolls, ha.
On Thanksgiving we went to my husband’s family get together. I must say I did some damage to the food table. I did go back for seconds. All the food was sooo good! I did a really good thing though. I brought the Wii game (I bought it online but hadn’t had time to play yet), Just Dance 2, to the party in hopes I could get my two youngest nieces to play with me. They were excited to play so after dinner we popped the game into the Wii. That is one hard game! It kicked my butt and made me sweat big time. I did about two songs (maybe 3) and that was it for me. It was fun though. My youngest niece (she is 7) lost interest in it pretty quickly because the game is pretty difficult at first. I thought my idea was going to fizzle out but most of the family started playing and those who didn’t play had a lot of fun watching the dancers. I was surprised to see my nephews really liked the game and even my brother-in- laws got up there to dance. We all played for about four hours! The game was a big hit and I must have laughed my butt off – that burns calories, right? Everyone had a good time and it sure beat sitting around nodding off to football on the TV. So I am happy I brought the game and I think I am going to bring it to the family Christmas too.
Various Dancing Pics:
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving
Things Too Painful to Write About
Monday, November 22, 2010
Clinical Psychology
"Psychology is not all cut and dry, diagnose once and apply the proper treatment. Rarely do clients fall into/have just one mental disorder or issue. Therapy is an ongoing, often slow process that must address many different issues on many levels – no one theory is the ‘magic bullet’ that addresses the problem(s) completely."
"As a clinical psychologist you have to be on your toes. You have to think fast and draw on all your resources to do what is best for your clients. It can be stressful but also rewarding. It is not for the faint of heart or for someone hoping to make big money. You must have a need, a drive to help people and you must have compassion and empathy. You must be able to accept different types of people on their terms. At the same time you must also make sure to take care of yourself and to know yourself - your strengths and limitations."
No Classes Today
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Friday night was the second meeting of the writer's group some friends and I are starting. It went well and I am getting tons of insight and ideas about what I want to write about. We mainly hammered out some of the logistics of the meetings last night then we all (plus my husband) headed out to watch a hockey game between UM-Flint and Kettering. It was a good game but UM-Flint lost. It was more exciting than a Red Wings game, that's for sure. I wouldn't mind going to another.
We all had a good time and I think this group is going to be fun. I was a little worried about it - the time involved, sustaining interest, and getting everybody together on the same page but we came up with some great ideas to start out with and ways to keep it interesting. It will be challenging though – I hope I will be able to write some interesting stuff. I started a small list of stuff I want to write about; personal stuff for me and more creative stuff for the group. I have to separate my blogging/journaling from my creative writing. I haven’t really done a lot of creative, fiction writing so I am a little scared.
I am going to have to try to write at least three hundred words a day, religously. That is what Jeanette tells me and that rule came from Jan Worth-Nelson, UM-Flint creative writing prof and published author (everyone who has this prof loves her but says she is difficult - I had another prof for my creative writing class and I am kinda glad but sad at the same time).THWADs is what she calls them. Another thing from JW-N is "A writer writes!" - well duh... but it is easier said than done. I love talking about writing and story. A lot of stuff gets in the way of sitting down and writing but I have to try. And I have to break out of writing about myself all the time. UGH! That one is going to be so hard. Well I write for school and stuff but all my 'fun' writing is all about me, me, me. Some could be considered creative non-fiction but most is of course basic journaling. This writer's group is going to help me break out of that.
My husband and I spent some time together on Saturday and had a semi-relaxing day. We went out to eat and had to go grocery shopping because the refrigerator was getting bare. I really needed to stay home and concentrate on homework but I got a few things done in the evening. I can’t wait for a break.
Today I had a pretty good day at work despite oversleeping. Then I came home and made a list of important dates and all the projects I have to get done for the rest of the semester:
November 22 PowerPoint
November 30 individual project draft
December 2/9 Essay 4 due
December 2 Group presentation
December 7 Intake paper
December 10 Group project due
December 12 commencement 1:30pm
December 13 classes end*
December 14 Study Day*
December 16 Individual project due
December 16 Clinical Exam 4pm
December 21 Cognitive Exam 1pm
haha, I added little emoticons to indicate how I feel about the task. Oh crap, I forgot my birthday is in there somewhere!
I just love getting organized – if I could only stay that way! The list is definitely do-able but I have to stay on task. I have started most of the stuff and I am really happy that the group project has been going well and is 95% done. I love the ladies in my group.
Today I also had a little investigating to do which was very fruitful. I always did want to be a private investigator, hehee. Now I just have to write my ass off so I can get some stuff done for school and relax in the evening because my favorite show, Dexter is on later.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
This semester...
For your education...
• not answer the phone when the other parent calls?
• convince the child that they should change their surname?
• play on the children's feelings of guilt and sympathy?
• use the child as a weapon against the other parent and family members?
• order or manipulate the child to not answer the phone when it rings?
• say that the child does not want to speak for to the other parent?
• undermine the other parent by encouraging the child to defy the other parent