Tonight is the first time in a while that I have had a little time to myself because I have been running, running. I should be working on homework (darn papers!) but I need to unwind. I went to the Doctor's today and my blood pressure was high - really high. I never have high blood pressure - it is always on the low side. I am not sure what is up with that but it is scary. I have been exhausted too, so when I am not running, I am sleeping and I try to squeeze some studying in there also. I really needed this time tonight to relax. I like writing in this blog, it is somewhat relaxing.
I was running all week but the highlight of the week was Saturday and Sunday:
Saturday was my stepson's first band competition. He plays trombone in marching band. The band did really well - his school won first place. He was pretty excited about that. He has competitions for the next 5 or 6 Saturdays. It is a lot of work for him but he really enjoys it. It is nice to see him perform, and it is interesting to watch how the band improves over time. They have come a long way in just a few weeks.
Sunday was my (one of my very best friends) sis, Rachel's wedding. She called me about a month ago and told me she was getting married and I had to come to the small reception at her Mom's house. Her and her fiance (they have a baby boy together) were just going to get married at the courthouse and it was no big deal. I told her I wanted to be at the ceremony but she said just make sure to come to the reception. We live far away from each other, and because we are so busy, we do not get to talk as much as we would like (or see each other
). Well in the blink of an eye, her wedding is a week away and it has become an actual ceremony. I talked to her last week and surprise, she said "you know I want you to be in the wedding" OK. So I was in a wedding this past Sunday. I don't know, for some reason I didn't think she was serious. I thought only her daughter was going to stand up with her. Luckily the dress I wore to the wedding ended up matching the color scheme. The wedding turned out to be really nice for being quickly put together. It was a lovely country wedding, and fun was had by all. Even my stepson had fun. He hung out with Rachel's daughter and her friends the whole time. They really seemed to hit it off (they had met before but it has been a year since they seen each other). Check out the pictures I took. Rachel and Stephanie look gorgeous. Rachel's wedding made me want to have a wedding all over again, or at least put my wedding gown on. LOL.
We stopped by my Mom's and I got to see my little nephews. I took them along with me when I took Jordan back to his mom's house. I don't know why I did that, seeing as how we were in a time crunch but it was fun
. My nephews are so silly. Jordan wanted to get something to eat since he did not eat before he left the wedding (and there was tons of food too). So we planned on stopping at McDonalds but did not plan on getting the little ones anything because they had dinner waiting for them at Grandma's. Yeah right! We are driving down the road and my 4 year old nephew, Lil Kenny said "Aunt Jackie I'm hungry" and "Aunt Jackie if you go straight down this road there is a McDonalds. I want McDonalds" Dang it! hahahaha, kids always know about McDonalds. So we head on toward McDs. As we are pulling into McDs, my car starts dinging and the door ajar light comes on!!! My 2 year old nephew had opened his door. Yikes! Luckily he was strapped into his car seat. Then Lil Kenny wants to go inside the McDonalds - sorry kid, no time. I pull up to the drive through and could barely order because I was laughing so hard, Lil Kenny was shouting what he wanted, and Lil Alex mimicking his brother. I got him and Alex nuggets. I figured that would be less messy (originally Kenny wanted a cheeseburger Happy meal and nuggets!!). We get the food and Kenny demands "Where's the sauce?" hahaha, you're not getting any! Aren't I mean? Then Kenny says "I'm firsty" He wanted lemonade and mean Aunt Jackie didn't get him any and Jordan wasn't sharing his pop.
I know this is a very silly story but I had fun and I want to remember it. I need to spend more time with my nephews.
Good times, good times!
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