Next is my lunch break. I have almost 2 hours between classes. That is nice. I walk on over to University Pavillion and get lunch and study. Last week, during lunchtime, there was a party in the middle of campus.
All the clubs were out in McKinnon Plaza trying to recruit new members. I got some free school supplies, a t-shirt, and there was free food too! That is one of the great things about UM Flint - there is always something going on, and there are usually freebies. Heck, the university gives you $16 on your campus ID card so you print out your notes and assignments in the computer lab. I like that.
After lunch I have the class Research Methods in Psychology. This is going to be a challenge. I like reading about research and experiments but I have never had the desire to conduct my own research. That is all this class is - learning about conducting research and experiments. It is a requirement; I have to take it to move on to the upper level psych classes. This is the class I am most worried about - we have to write 2 papers and the tests are all short answer essay question tests, not to mention the experiments we have to set up. Maybe I am worrying for nothing, things have been going OK so far. I actually had my first test for this class today and it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be but I will have to see how I did. I guess I am most worried about the papers I have to write. I have yet to write a psychology paper. SCARY! Again I find myself missing a Mott professor - I miss Dr. McCain. Oh my current professor is nice but she doesn't seem to have the charisma that Dr. McCain has.
The fourth class of the day is The Structure of English. This class is pretty much all about English grammar. It is a linguistics class. Parts of it are interesting but parts of it are boring too. I thought it would be a good idea for me to brush up on my grammar, to help me strengthen my writing and also my foriegn language skills (eventually). The professor is really interesting. She is from Holland. She has lived in the U.S. for about 14 years. She has a slight accent, which is very cute. It is also interesting to learn about English from someone who is not a native speaker. She has shared some great anecdotes/experiences with us. She is a linguist and she challenges us to think about language(s) is a new way, a more open minded way. She told us about how a word, the sound of a word puts an image into our head that may not have the same meaning/image for someone else, for example... a bad word in our language, the word cunt, actually conjurs up a beautiful image for her. Where she is, in her native language (German I think) from the word kant (pronounced cunt) actually means lace.
My last class of the day is a theatre class, Drama as Performance. Most of the students in this class are theatre majors and are very fun. I so want to get involved in theatre at U of M - Flint. I just don't think I have the time. I may have to make the time because I am actually contemplating a double major - Psych and Theatre. This class is much like the Literary Analysis class - we are reading plays and analyzing them. Some of the material in this class is the same as in the Literary Analysis class so that is a plus. There is a lot of reading for this class as well as quite a few papers (mostly smaller 2 page papers though). We already had a paper due, which I got an A on. Woohoo! Now another paper is due this Wednesday.
So that is a summary of my school day and that has been my all that has been going on in my life lately. Busy, busy - between school, trying to work (even just part time), driving my husband and stepson (the boys, hahaha) around, (My stepson is very busy lately with marching band; practices; Friday night football games; and now competitions every Saturday) and trying to feel better (yes, I am still sick and tired - exhausted really). This is all I have time for.
Other things of interest (to me anyway) are:
Today at school I checked out the library. It is pretty nice. Three huge floors of books, periodicals, reference materials, and computers. There are beautiful views of the campus and the Flint River from the library.
I also toured the Recreation Center. The Rec center has everything you can think of - pool, indoor running/walking track, cardio room, weights, exercise machines, raquetball, indoor tennis, volleyball, basketball courts, etc. AWESOME!! I am going to go and work out - it is free for students so I have to take advantage of that.
And finally, there is a lady in my psych class who is in the symphony band. I was pleased to find out there is a symphony band at UM - Flint. I miss playing the trombone - miss being in band. Heck, you know I miss performing. She said they will take anybody. I want to join so bad but I already have a class when the band meets. So I am definitely joining soon as my schedule permits. Now I can't wait until next semester.

First 2 pics (below) are from the New Student Convocation, where the University welcomed all the new students before the beginning of the semsester. That was lovely.

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