I am so emotional the last couple of days. I am going to cry, so rather than that, I am going to write out what I am getting so emotional about in my blog. I can't go to bed because my husband has wicked gas (yes, I am tattling on him - he'll love it the attention whore). I shouldn't have made those sloppy joes - no quality time tonight!! 
I finished up my wedding day remembrance blog I started last month. I have been a blogging fool lately. It is really helping my writing though. The more I write the more I want to write. OK, back to what I came on here for - I was thinking I should start getting all my stuff together for my scrapbook. Gee whiz! I still need to order my pictures too! Well I was waiting for the walls to be painted so I would have a place to put them rather than store them. Now all that is done (My husband did some major work on the house last fall - I will have to write another blog about that). Yikes, I am all over the place tonight. What I want to write about is I found the toast my friends gave me at the wedding. I am so thankful they wrote it down and thought to give to me. My friends are so thoughtful. Now I have it forever and it is beautiful. I hope my uncle got it on video but I remember how I felt when they said it - I almost cried. I am going to put in my blog too so I will be sure to have it always. I am blessed with such good friends that I can see us as old ladies having tea together. Here is the toast:
Stephanie began:
Over the years Jackie has meant something different to us.
Stephanie said: You have been to me, Aunt Jackie. I have loved you as my blood just as you have done the same for me.
Melissa said: You have been my partner in crime since the 3rd grade. From crawling home in ice storms to being the first to know I was pregnant with my first son. You will always be the person I love to talk to on the phone late at night.
Rachel said: You have been my best friend for years and my sister for life. From chasing demons in dreams to standing beside me through to this day. Jackie is not one to give her heart to just anybody, so Chuck I am sure you know how lucky you are to have our Jackie, our sister, our friend. From now on you will be our Chuck. We love you.
aaaawwwww! I can't wait to see my wedding video. I wish I would have had a wonderful toast for them but I was to overcome with emotion at the time.
Melissa and I really did crawl home from school one time. The whole way home was iced over and every time we tried to walk we fell down and broke our asses. And yes I did ger her out of school, pretending I was her mother on the phone, to take her to get her pregnancy test. I remember how nervous she was. I remember when she walked out of the DR's office. She could not even speak. She was pregnant! I remember how scared I was for my friend but at the same time I felt such joy.
Rachel and I have been through some shit together. We had many late nights with her being scared and feeling haunted. We have had a few supernatural encounters. We both had love for some dumbasses that did not love us back. Through it all we became sisters. She always tells me I am more of a sister to her than her blood sisters. She always builds me up.
Stephanie is Rachel's daughter. She is so beautiful. I love her so much and I wish I lived closer to her so I could be the Aunt to her I really want to be. She is all that Rachel and I wished for. I remember when she was born. I was scared for Rachel, I didn't know how she was going to do it as a single Mom, but she came through and there is beautiful Stephanie.
And Chuck, I am blessed with the kindest husband that my friends can love too.
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