I have been so busy lately, and so tired. I have not had the time to blog. Actually, I felt a little more energized today than I have been so I worked on cleaning the house. I have been dragging lately. It has been so frustrating and stressful. Other than that it has been a good week.
Last Wednesday I got my scene for acting class. It is our final project - we have to do a scene with a partner. I got a good partner, Steve, and our scene is very interesting. I am a Human Resource person (and maybe dominatrix) who is interviewing this guy for a position in the company. I use him as my personal plaything. It is going to be very challenging for me because I have to be sexy, and act like I am having an orgasm
. Yikes! I have not been feeling very sexy lately because I am the fattest I have ever been, so this is going to very hard. But this is good. I like a challenge. My monologue was not much of a challenge so now I get my chance to shine.
I made a new friend Wednesday at school (from acting class) and we had lunch at the cafe. Phil, my new friend, is planning on going to U of M Flint. He wrote in his blog that he is excited to be getting ready to transfer to U of M but he feels at home at Mott - he is starting to make friends and teachers are noticing him. I feel the same way. A good thing is that we know each other now, we can pal around at U of M and maybe the transition won't be so hard. He has already been accepted. He said I should have no problems getting in with my GPA (3.5 and climbing). I am still thinking about other options though.
My husband and I got to keep his son overnight on Thursday because he did not have school on Good Friday. It is nice to have some extra time with Jordan. He got to pal around with his cousin Danny a lot this week-end. Chuck and I gave him one of his Easter gifts early - a game he has been wanting forever. Chuck and I had to go to 4 stores to track it down it time for Easter. Well now he has it and he spent Thursday night yelling at it the game. I guess it is a lot harder than he remembered.
We took the boys to a laser show at the Planetarium Saturday. I think they had fun. Chuck and I enjoyed it. It was laser lights set to Jimi Hendrix music and then they did Led Zeppelin. Blast from the past - it was cool. Or maybe I should say groovy dude.
The funny thing was the Planetarium staff made an anouncement that there was "no smoking of any substance allowed, if you are caught smoking you will be asked to leave immediately - no questions asked." haha, I bet they get some people smoking weed. This week-end they have a Pink Floyd laser show. http://www.longway.org/
Sunday we spent with my husbands family. We had dinner with all the usual trimmings. I made beans and everybody raved over them. We stopped by my parents house afterwords. My nephews were there. I have three nephews, Kenny age 4, Alex who will be 2 in July, and lil Brent who will be 1 in July. They are all so cute. The two youngest seem a lot calmer than Kenny. My poor SIL has her hands full though, with 3 so young.
Yesterday I had my first rehearsal for the play I am in - Shakespeare's "Titus Andronicus". It is with the Flint City Theatre. It was interesting. We read through the whole play. I am only a soldier. I just wanted to get my feet wet onstage again. I did a lot of plays in high school but that has been almost 20 years now. I miss performing and it is good to be around theatre people again. Everyone is so interesting, talented and nice. It should be fun. http://www.flintcitytheatre.com/
Psych class has been interesting. I have a test tomorrow though and have not felt like studying one bit today. I have to get back to it though. I just felt like blogging real quick. It has relaxed me. I was feeling stressed earlier because I got some bad news. Now I feel better. More later.
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