Interesting article about reading literature and the classics in school. On one hand I think as long as kids and people are reading (anything they are into, not necessarily classics) they are learning something and it may open doors to other forms of literature, perhaps the classics. Someone who reads a great deal usually has better spelling, vocabulary, grammar, and overall writing skills. Strong writing skills is an asset for anybody.
On the other hand, I believe that some of the classics should be required and taught in school, or at least introduced. There is not enough of this happening in school - literature has taken a back seat to science, math and technology. All the subjects are important and have a place even though it would seem that literature is not relevent to the world. It is relevent in so many ways but a lot of people do not see the importance of it. That is sad. Reading, and reading good works (the classics as well as books from other points of view/from different cultures and cultural standpoints) makes a person think -introduces the reader to other ways of thinking, helps a person learn to see different sides of a story. The reader is introduced to history and culture, which provides a base for a broad range of subjects/topics and interests. Sure some of the texts are difficult but isn't life difficult - sometimes the most difficult things are the most rewarding. By making things so easy for kids we are making them lazy...their brains are lazy. They are lacking critical or analytical skills that reading literature and even some difficult works/texts helps to build. Then you think about the morals, the lessons to be gained from the old classics, the old stories - that is being lost too.
Even when I was in high school, back in the 80's, the classics were not taught and I did not have any required reading. I feel like I missed out, like I got gypped. To me, a part of my foundational education is/was missing. I tried to make up for it on my own but already so much time has been wasted, although I have learned a lot from just historical romance novels
. Classics should be taught through out a kids school career, starting from elememtary. Also like it is stated in the article, the list of classics should not be set in stone, it should be a "elastic, flexible, argument-worthy thing" and include some new texts and texts from other cultures.
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