Actually it is 12/10/08
I have been slacking. Well, no, not really. I have been very very busy with schoolwork and I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. I tried to get on here and blog but somehow my posts got messed up so the night that it happened I just said forget about it and went to bed. Now I am back for a little while and will blog what I wanted to say a week ago. Haha.
I have been a writing fool lately. I am excited though because today I just finished a huge play analysis for my Theatre class. It must be like 15 pages long. I did it on Tennessee Williams play A Streetcar Named Desire. It is an interesting play and an even more interesting author but man was this project not fun. I had to chart out the scenes and the action in the play. I had to write an essay on the author and another essay on my impressions of the play among a few other things. I am glad it is over although I want to learn a lot more about Tennessee Williams. What I learned about him only scratched the surface and like I said he was really interesting and he was a great writer.
I also had to do a research paper for Psych. We conducted an experiment a few weeks ago about how (or if) color effects emotions and we had to incorporate our research into an APA paper. That was also a lot of work - 12 to 13 pages worth. Truth to tell I haven't done too many research papers and I had not done one for psych ever. I was stressed out bigtime but I did fabulous. I submitted a rough draft Monday and I got 50 points out 50pts. I got my paper back today and the prof wrote "Great job"
on it. I had a few little things to fix and now I am good to go. I am so happy it didn't need major revision. Not bad for my first Psych research paper. 
Now all I have to do is work on my 4-6 page paper for Literary Analysis. I have to do a research paper on Waiting for the Barbarians. My paper is colonial/post-colonial analysis on how the author uses the main character's penis to represent Empire - it is a book about an unknown colony (could be anywhere but the author is from South Afirca) an how the main character who is a magistrate feels for the native peoples 'the barbarians' of the colonized lands and has a relationship with a girl who was tortured in the name of Empire. It is very interesting but extremely complex. I am having trouble reigning in my ideas. I have about 3 pages written but I was not happy with it so I went to my prof and we talked about it. She said I made my argument but I have to organize my paper better. Luckily she gave me some extra time to work on the paper so I could get all the other crap out of the way I needed to do, namely the 2 aforementioned papers. So yeah I am all about writing these days.
I have some awesome professors - they are so helpful, they care about how their students are doing, and they are not opposed to telling you when you do a good job. I got some lovely compliments this past week. On my way into the English dept with my Literary Analysis prof I saw my Engish prof (I absolutely love her). She said to my Lit prof, "Oh you have her as a student too, isn't she awesome." That made me feel wonderful, such a nice compliment and in front of another professor too! Talk me up, I hope to make a (a positive ) name for myself at UofM - Flint. Then today when I handed over my project to my Theatre prof she said "Jackie you are a good student." I didn't know what to say. I have done a lot of writing for her class and most of it has been fun and easy - opinion papers mostly, plus two peformance critiques I posted below in another blog entry (which I used for extra credit in another class, hehe). I always get A's (full point value) and nice compliments on my papers so I think she likes my writing. I like writing too, especially when I complete a paper or project but it can get overwhelming.
It is exam time at school. I just have a couple more exams (the hardest) on Monday and then I am done. I can't wait although I am going to miss my professors. I may see the English prof again - she wants me to take a Linguistics class she teaches. I already have my classes set for next semester so I will have to take it next fall or something.
I haven't been doing much of anything else, just school, work, homework, school, work and back around again. I am ready to cut loose and party!! hahaha, I was so envious of the people that went out the night before Thanksgiving and partied. That is the biggest bar night of the year. Not for me though. I had to stay home and work on schoolwork. I had a nice Thanksgiving though.
Wow, wow, this is all about school. I read a study that students who write about adjusting to college do better (GPA +) than those who do not. I always felt that writing about my experiences in school helped me, even though I am not 'adjusting' or just starting at college (but I am adjusting to a new school). I wish I could find the time to write more. There is a ton of stuff I want to write about, even stuff besides school. Especially stuff besides school, but I have to get through this semester first. Then I will have time to relax a little an maybe do a few interesting and fun things. 
By the way, I hate what they have done to Spaces. It is harder to navigate. Why the changes??
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