Saturday, September 22, 2007

Work and Misc. Thoughts



Work sucks! hahaha, why can't we all be wealthy? I am a server. I am a pretty good waitress and I do like waiting tables but in most restaurants I have worked cooks are just A$$HOLES. What is the deal with that? Aren't we all supposed to be working toward the same goal - giving the customers good food and service, making them want to return?

I worked Friday and Saturday night and the cooks were giving all the waitresses a hard time. The boss was on a short vacation. He actually came into the restaurant before we closed. I talked to him about the cook's attitudes. I hated to do it because I didn't want to stir up trouble but I can't take their horrible (majorly chauvinistic) attitude anymore. He told me they need to change their attitude. He is a pretty good guy but sometimes he is afraid to lay down the law. Now the boss wants to have a meeting with everyone. YIKES! He said he has wanted to do this for a long time now. I also found out that one of the other waitresses quit. She is actually a friend of the boss and she has been upset about the way the cooks treat us. I think that she has been talking to the boss about it and when she quit I think the boss said to himself "enough is enough". I hope the meeting goes OK. I don't think anything will change much though. I'll see.




Ok, not to sound like a total Bwitch but what is the deal with people's poor grammar and spelling? I read the blog of an aquaintance and her grammar and spelling are atrocious. I guess maybe the fact that I do not like this person makes me a little critical. I have seen a lot of bad grammar and spelling on the internet so it must be because the internet is so casual. I just think if you are putting a blog out there you should at least try to use proper grammar and spelling. You are making a page about yourself and putting it out there for all to see. If people are coming away from your page thinking you're not too smart, well that is just sad. Make it a learning experience. It is called and proofreading and it takes 5 seconds to look up a word and a couple of minutes to proofread a few paragraphs. Try it people, you might learn something! Now you do think I am a total Bwitch, don't you? By the way, is there spell check and grammar check on this MSN spaces blog? haha.

I guess I was irritated after reading the aforementioned aquaintance's blog because this person has such a high opinion of herself. I mean if you are that wonderful you should be able to spell and use proper grammar. This person is supposedly a legal secretary. I feel sorry for her boss, if they expect her to write anything on the job. Perhaps I should cut her a break but I have read other things she has written and it is always the same. Poor grammar and poor spelling, all the while she is trying to come off like she is so intelligent and better than everyone else. Yuck!

All this being said, I need to work on my punctuation. Can you tell I am taking an English class this semester? So concerned with these tedious writing matters.




Is it un-American not to like football? I have never liked it and just hearing a game on TV sends me into a depression. It bores me to tears. Everybody seems to like it but me and my hubby. I get the feeling people think we are out of it because we don't like it. I think people expect you to be so gung-ho about football (even the local high school team). When they discover you could care less about it all you fail to matter as a person in their eyes. Everybody has their interests, just don't expect everyone to share yours, OK. VIVA LA DIFFERANCE



Gee whiz, am I in a bad mood or what? I don't feel like it but my blog is so negative. I am done with my b!tch fest now. On a positive note, I am going to visit one of my favorite places Sunday - Henry Ford Museum. There is an exhibit there - "Rock Stars Cars and Guitars". It should be really cool.

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