Thursday, August 28, 2008

Catch Up

I have to catch up my blog on all that I have been up to lately, hehehe; and I never did write about my vacation. I am still feeling pretty yucky a lot of the time lately so I haven't been writing. I am sick but I am not sure what is wrong with me. I have been back and forth to my Dr's but he can't find out what is wrong with me. I think it is time to find another Dr. When I went to the Dr's this past Monday I showed some weight loss - 10 pounds since the end of June - I am not trying to lose weight. I haven't been exercising and have been eating McDonalds! Well, I don't have much of an appetite, which is soo not me. I weighed myself again this morning and it seems I have lost even more weight since Monday. The scale shows a 6 pound weight loss but it maybe my scale is off. Even so, if I lost 2 to 3 pounds since Monday - that is a little alarming.


I want to write about my vacation and up north. I will have to get back to that, maybe tomorrow. I also started classes at University of Michigan - Flint. I am super excited about that! My husband said he is excited for me. Isn't that sweet? My first day was great. I love the campus and my classes and teachers seem interesting. It is going to be a lot of work. I keep thinking or praying, if this can be considered a prayer, "Please God, don't let me fuck up!" I will definitely write more soon. I have pictures of the campus to post too.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sad to be back from vacation....

I went on a short vacation and now I am back. It really was too short - I wish we were still up north. I love Michigan. I love the Great Lakes. I had to share this beautiful picture I took before I went to bed. This is the Platte River with Lake Michigan and Sleeping Bear Dunes beyond. Love it! Wanna' live up there!


I will share more later.



Sunday, August 3, 2008

Baby Fever

OMG! I think I am getting baby fever. Well maybe it is only fleeting. I just feel like I am running out of time if I want to have kids of my own. I have been on the fence about it for a long time. I know I will regret it if I don't have a child but it is also nice not to have that responsibility. Most of the time it is just me and my husband and that is always nice - we can do what we want. hahaha  


I have never been a baby person, although I love baby dolls. Babies are cute but I have never been one to go crazy over them. I like kids when they are a little older - ok toddlers are cute and fun. They crack me up but I always have been able to leave them with their parents when I was tired, haha. I was reading on this chat board I visit every onec and a while (check it out - it is all about blended families for any steps out there about all the mothers trying to concieve and I am starting to feel like I want that too. Yikes! My cute little smiley nephew is getting to me!! The little ham.


I guess I have always felt two ways about the subject of having kids. There are plenty of people in this world, do I really need to add to it? I have always felt that if I had a kid it would be more to please my parents than for myself. They would like to have a granddaughter. I would like to have a daughter too. But I am independent and need a lot of time to myself - how does a kid fit into that? It is so nice to be able to go when I want and not have to worry about a babysitter. Yes I have a stepson but he has never been my responsibility in that way. I came into his life when he was 5. Sure I watched him at times but most of the time his Dad has been around. It's like that when you only have every other week-end with the kid. My stepson has never been a burden so to speak - never hindered me from doing the things I want/need to do. If I had a baby I know that would change, I would have to give up a lot of free time. I know it would be worth it but I am not sure if I am up for it. I would need to have a support group in place, LOL. And like I said, I know I will regret it if I don't have a child of my own. I have always wanted a daughter - heck I saved all my dolls, barbies and books for her! I have always wanted to be a grandmother too. Motherhood has not always been the best thing to me - too much heartache; being a grandma seems like it is more fun, haha.


Even my body is telling me I need to get to it, or it is my mind messing with me. I had a dream a few nights ago that my eggs were bad, LOL!!! In the dream I opened a dresser drawer (top drawer) and in there was a flat of eggs. I said to myself "Now why did I put these in here? They are all spoiled now!" I am so silly - I meant to put them away and forgot about them. Uh oh!" Isn't that a crazy dream? I know though, that if I want to have a baby I need to get healthy and lose some weight. I would be in bad shape if I tried to have a baby now, and I would get as big a house - yikes! Just another reason to haunt my doctor.



Me and my favorite baby a long time ago. I still have her. I am not doing the peepee dance in this photo, I was trying to pull my shorts down before Grandpa snapped the photo.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Baby Brent 'hamming' it up

Here is my little nephew playing for the camera.... he is so cute and funny. He was cracking me up yesterday. It was my Mom's birthday. Can't seem to get away from birthdays.



more pics in the Family Album

Talking about Inside the Human Body - - 15MSN Health & Fitness - Health Topics

Pretty cool slide show about the human body. I love this kind of stuff. It reminds me of the body exhibits. My husband and I went to the "Bodyworlds" ( ) exhibit in Chicago and also a similiar exhibit in Detroit. This slide show is very good.


Inside the Human Body - - 15MSN Health & Fitness - Health Topics

UGH! Been feeling pretty crappy lately

I have to vent. I am up late tonight because I am not feeling well at all. I actually had to call off from work, which makes me mad. I have not felt good for over a month now. I don't really want to talk about my symptoms at this point. I did go see the Dr when it all started but I have not improved. I was supposed to go back last week but I put it off because I hate going. I will need to see the Dr this week. I have been so tired, my allergies are acting up bigtime, and I am wheezing which is not good for sleep (specially when I am already anxious because I feel like crap). I am just so sick of it! I need to get better because school starts in less than a month and I need to be in top form. I have also been crabby lately and I have not felt like myself. I hate it. UGH!


I am just ready to attack all my health problems. I have chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia, and depression. I also have allergy problems. I think what I have going on now is all part of the chronic fatigue thing - my immune system is not what it should be. I also am overweight, I am the heaviest I have ever been in my life. I have learned to deal with the depression. The fibromyalgia doesn't bother me that much anymore. It is the damn CFS and allergies that are bringing me down. Yeah so when I am really, really tired all the time, the depression starts bothering me. I also need to attack my weight problem too. I know I will feel a little better if I were lighter - it is not the cure all though. I want to concentrate on fighting the CFS and my allergies. If I start feeling better, more energized, then I can battle the weight problem. I just don't know what can be done about CFS - there is no medication that will make me feel less tired all the time. I tried taking vitamins but they do not help that much.


I wish there were some miracle drug or supplement. I am sick of being exhausted. I can't live my life on will power all the time. I really have to push myself to do anything because I only have a few good hours a day. And by few I mean very few - like 3. So I constantly have to juggle what I am going to do in my good hours - how am I going to expend that little bit of energy that I have. If I have to work then forget about it, I have no choice in the matter. The energy is expended at work. The rest of the time I am running on shear will power - that is me pushing me to get shit done. I don't always succeed. Plus, if I push too hard in one day, you better believe I pay for it the next day. That pisses me off because there is so much I want to do. So much I have to do. I am sick of feeling this way. Sick of battling. What pisses me off even more is that very few people understand how it feels to be like this. They think you are lazy, or crazy, making stuff up, or just don't deal with being tired very well. NO, CFS is a debillitating illness. I know the difference between being just normally tired and being CFS exhausted. There is a difference. It sucks to have to explain this to people all the time. I just want to feel better - I want to have the energy that a regular person has. I envy those people that say they only need 5 hours of sleep a night and they are fine (I don't really believe them though). Oh yes, and this is not a weight thing. I was not fat when I was diagnosed with CFS and I felt just as bad, in fact worse because my fibromyalgia was at it's worst then (I felt like an arthritic old lady - like I should be hunched over a cane with curled hands - and yes it was that bad!).


So I need to attack these health problems of mine. I need to get my butt to the Dr's with my list of complaints and really stay on him until I feel better. I am sick of this!!


For more info on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: